Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Have your advisor at the meeting clear up the credit v. class transfer and what you need to present the best application. I took out some of my post above because TTPs are evaluated a bit different than “regular” transfers and I didn’t want to confuse people.

If you have nothing better to do this summer, you may want to knock out math or something not fun to do with other classes (especially when you have lots of labs). Or one of the more mindless GEs if math too intense for the summer. :slight_smile:


They will be evaluating your college work as a transfer/TTP, not your HS. So rock the college stuff, no room for “senioritis” then!


Ok perfect, I am so excited to start this journey for TTP.


From my internet searches, I have gathered that students should “express interest” to USC, and these meetings in May/June are to solidify course planning at the college they have decided to do their first year. This can be a community college, another 4-year college of their choosing (assumption is another to which they were recently accepted) OR one of the handful of “First Year Abroad” options with which USC partners. In the latter case, the students also then have the support of the counseling staff at the abroad university, as they are aligned with the goals of the TTP student. (Whereas at another 4 year institution, they would like not be aware of the students intention to transfer out after the first year.). Someone please correct me if I have this wrong, but I believe steps one and two are: 1) express your interest in participating in this transfer program and 2) decide where you will spend your first year. Only after those two things are done can the counseling staff help identify the course/path to a success transfer.

Yesterday night, my son received an email from USC, titled “USC Trojan Transfer planning”

Can my son attend a 4 year university as a degree-seeking student for his first year?

I’ve noticed that the following information from the Email attachment, titled “Trojan Transfer Planning Meeting, and Expectations”

C. What about other four-year colleges or universities?
We do not recommend you make a promise to attend a four-year institution you intend to break.
If you plan to transfer away from a four-year college or university, you should enroll in the extension program, or in visiting-student status.
Your success in higher education depends on your level of engagement.
We believe you will be fully engaged if you are open about your plans.

Very confused!

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I interpret that as, yes – your son can attend any institution at which he can meet the course and GPA requirements. However, they can’t (“in good conscience”?) recommend that your son commit to a 4-year university, when his intention is to transfer away after only one year. In essence, he would be taking a spot in that college away from another student (from the waitlist?) who would stay all 4 years. To that end, they give you suggestions on how to register at such an institution, so that your son would be more transparent about his plans.

Do you mean that my son can still attend a 4 year university as a degree-seeking student for his first year?

I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer to that question, as I’m just learning about the program too. I think best to direct that question to the admissions folks at USC.

@hope3355 Yes you can attend any school as mentioned above. If you read the very first post in this thread it sums up everything and mentions things to consider. @eellis626 has it correct, they just don’t want to publicly endorse it. But many have and do transfer. Others decide they are happy where at. In this case, it’s like a backup for the 4 year.

Hello all! The kids have created a USC TTP 2025 group on Instagram to connect and meet each other. Thought you all would be happy to know. You can have your kids join here:

Hello, I am a prospective Computer Science student aiming to transfer into Viterbi after a freshman year abroad. I have heard from other CS TTP transfers who were not initially accepted into the CS major because they did not meet viterbi’s transfer requirements (Transfer Page – USC Viterbi | Undergraduate Admission). They had to attend undecided for a semester until they got into the CS major.

Because TTP partner schools like AUP don’t have lab-based science or programming classes that transfer for credit, it seems like my best bet would be to take community college classes over this coming summer so I have those science requirements met when I apply to transfer to Viterbi in the spring. Does this sound right to you? And if so, do you know what can I do to find out which (online?) classes / community colleges I can attend this summer to meet those requirements?

Thank you for your help. This is all new and exciting to me. All of your posts on the college confidential community are doing so much good.

@jsnrthstlkr congrats on totally understanding the TTP! Yes, that would be a great idea, you can have your cake and eat it too as they say. Because you are right, AUP has some issues for the science/engineering types, but could be an amazing thing to do. I’m guessing you are trying to knock physics out…

If you google USC articulation agreements, you will find links where you can enter the school name to see what transfers to USC. There are actually a couple different links and they seem a bit old and clunky, but the info is all valid. You would enter for 2020 as they are always a year behind, but everything typically stays the same from year to year.

Good luck to you - gpa and correct classes are what’s important - so key in on those, your advisor will help you a lot as well, particularly with AUP, but impressed you are on top of the issues already.

My son is doing TTP and will apply into CS. He dual enrolled at a CC this year and followed both the UC and USC transfer requirements to select classes. Most UCs require a physics sequence of 3 courses that also articulate to USC. Are you in CA? Maybe this is an extraordinary suggestion but I think a lot of classes will remain online at CC in the fall. You could feasibly take remote asynchronous classes for CS while abroad if you can’t complete everything in the summer.

That’s an interesting idea I didn’t consider. Sounds like a good plan for your son. I’m not in CA, do you know if that would keep me from enrolling in online CC classes somewhere like Santa Monica College?

Your own state’s CCs might have the same. I don’t know if you can enroll in OOS CCs. It might be hard to finish 2 semesters of lab science over the summer because they are sequential. I suppose you can take one lab science and a CS class, although in our area they can be hard to find.

Hey CADREAMIN! Do you know of applicants to CSBA that have been accepted out of the TTP program?

Does anyone know if USC offers the TTP to all legacies? My senior daughter was offered this (she’s a legacy) and we had no idea this program existed. She has a cousin (also a legacy) and it’d be nice for her to know this if this is the case when she’s applying next year. Thanks for any insight!

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No it is not offered to all, all though quite a few legacies and it is also offered to some non-legacies as well.

In the TTP email from a couple nights ago it says we “apply for admission early next year”. When is that exactly and is it earlier that regular transfer applicants?

Same as transfers, by Feb 1st.