Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Do I have to write the essays all over again or can I reuse?

Well, if you want to get in, you should rewrite…A bit of a wink there…point is, don’t just submit the exact same essay. At a minimum freshen it up a bit. Reference this past year with something you have learned/can bring to USC, and still being committed to attend USC. You may be able to work in new info into the framework you have. But if they see zero effort in the app, they will assume that is what they will get. Good luck!

Thank you @UCBUSCalum! I try. :slight_smile:

Is there any chance of dodging a SGR if I’m on a quarter system? And how important are activities and essays compared to gpa?

Follow up: Would a 4.0 at a UC over the first two quarter nearly guarantee me a TTP admission?

Essays still important, so don’t slack on this one final step, but yes, a 4.0 UC gpa should pretty much ensure admission. But not 100% guarantee, which would be better if they offered that for hitting a certain gpa criteria, but they don’t since they also need to look at classes actually taken. The SGR (and getting in) also depends on the classes you took, need to take and which major you are applying for. So keep up the good work, polish up your essay and we hope to see you as a Trojan soon!

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When do TTP’s typically receive an admission decision, April or May?

If you fulfilled all or most of the required courses, such as writing, and your stats are high (I am guessing above the average GPA for TTP applicants, which is around 3.7), you should hear by April/May. Otherwise, decisions can drag into June or July. @CADREAMIN can confirm or comment.

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My son got his results last year in April. If you finish writing and math requirements and has the right GPA, you will hear early

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Do you mind me asking what your son’s GPA was?

3.8. He finished math and writing requirements. Usually if they still taking writing or math, the results come little late till they see their grades

S’ transfer gpa was 3.94 from a UC with completion of the math and writing requirements. He graduated from USC Summa Cum Laude last May.

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@CADREAMIN My daughter is studying abroad in Prague thru TTP currently and she got a 4.0 last semester. But Prague college didn’t allow her to take both composition (English) classes in 1st semester. (So currently taking comp 2 now). Will she have a chance to get early admission in May? Or most likely not until June/July :slightly_frowning_face:. Also, does writing an update to USC counselor might help? (Someone mentioned it earlier)

@UCBUSCalum Does this help? Will it have a positive influence? Will they note this in kids’ file? (I hope so :pray:t3:)

She will be fine but sending an e-mail to her advisor letting her know the situation and that she is on track for an A in comp 2 (I assume she is and maybe include a snippet pic of her current grade) could only be helpful and may push her acceptance earlier. Communicating with them that kind of update is always a good thing.

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Sorry for the late reply. I agree with @CADREAMIN that communication with the advisor is a good thing, which shows interest.

Thank you so much for sharing this! In the event that my DD is not accepted but is offered TTP, I will feel a lot better about it after reading this!

So the wording in the letter received today was denied but then said, " this decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. If you decide that you still wish to explore a path to USC, consider applying for admission as a transfer student. Students may apply to transfer to USC after one year of strong academic work elsewhere. To learn how to plan your course schedule to be a competitive transfer applicant, please attend a Trojan Transfer Information Session in June. Reservations will be made available in your USC applicant portal in early May." Is this TTP or is this just an offer to transfer in like everyone else? Thank you!

That’s definitely the Trojan Transfer Plan offer.

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Thank you. Thats much more reassuring. Do you happen to know, if applied as Film and Production major (I think toughest one to get in) and you do TTP do you then get accepted into that major? Or is it just general admission if you were to meet the gpa standard? thank you