Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Do you know when people participating in the Marshall Pathway Program will hear about study abroad options? I want to study abroad but i would have to cancel housing for my state school before May 1, otherwise I would be charged a large fee. Do you know roughly when we get to hear about it?

When should TTPs hear back these next couple of months? Could it be next month?

at least in the letter I got it said would be receiving an email about transfer advising in next few days. Said schedule appointment with advisor in May.

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@grace27 Didn’t I answer this yesterday? I swear I did…maybe in other thread as it was quite busy…

So possibly repeating myself, but yes, you go into the major you applied to unless you ask to change it. That’s a fun major!

I strongly doubt you will have the answers you need by May 1st. All their time is to regular decisions and they tend to push the transfer inquiries out till after May 1.

TTPers are just gonna get a letter saying they can schedule an appt in June/July and when it opens up to sign up for that. June is pretty much the first real info.

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I wondering how it works, if the info session is in June, do the kids then have to apply to a specific school to attend for Fall? Is there enough time to do that? And if they choose a school in Europe, I would think you’d spend the whole summer getting paperwork ready to attend. I remember my oldest did study abroad at AUP (she wasn’t at USC) and there was a list of things to do that were quite time consuming. Happy to have been offered this option, but not sure about any of it at the moment.

Ya, it really requires you to do the research and get things rolling on your own - which is pretty much TTP, they don’t tell you what specific courses to take, just to cover the GEs using articulation agreements. It’s only a 30 minute meeting and sometimes they simply go over the transfer guide (depends on AO - some great, some suck to put it bluntly).

But some kids have loved the abroad experience so they must pull it off. Of course with covid and current political stuff, it’s a bit upside down. But there are some websites with info on the “sister” universities.

Hi all,
I am from San Diego and doing trojan transfer for this upcoming year. I am planning on going to school at SMC. I am looking for a roommate to live in a two bedroom apartment at either lorenzo or gateway. Please let me know if you are interested!

snap: bartolosophia
instagram: bartolosophia


I am also looking for more info on the TTP program. Previous invitations mentions TTP specifically. Do you know if they remove the reference to try to force you to attend the meeting? My daughter is considering another school but would serious consider it and not go through the trouble if this is in fact the TTP

What did it say for her on the acceptance letter?

It was a denial letter :frowning_face:

This decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. If you decide that you still wish
to explore a path to USC, consider applying for admission as a transfer student. Students may apply to transfer to USC
after one year of strong academic work elsewhere. To learn how to plan your course schedule to be a competitive
transfer applicant, please attend a Trojan Transfer Information Session in June. Reservations will be made available in
your USC applicant portal in early May. Our transfer process is highly competitive, and while there are no guarantees
of admission, I hope you will explore this option. I will email you more details in a few days.

I don’t understand what you mean “force to attend the meeting”? It’s an option. If you choose to meet with admission officer you can learn about TTP and they can help guide on which courses at whatever institution or abroad program you choose to do to take in order to be eligible for transfer sophomore year. If you get a 3.7gpa and take the 32 units including math and English writing requirements you’re pretty much in. Or you stay at whatever college you’re at. It’s kindve like having a backup plan.

Sorry. I didn’t mean to say force. Since the letter didn’t specifically state the term TTP, I was wondering if they intentionally left that out and would discuss the program only after the meeting.

I was wondering that too. I asked Cadreamin and she assured me that’s TTP

Maybe TTP was deemed politically incorrect by someone, so it looks liked they dropped the formal name in the letter. Maybe it appeared to favor a certain person/group and no one can do that these days, or “Plan” made it seem more definitive than it is, who knows? Someone likely overthinking something, but ya, it’s what is known as TTP. Frankly, they use to not include that there are info sessions in June in the letter, and people just had to guess what the heck was going on till they got an email mid-May. So it was def a feeling of “we like you, sort of, but not enough to be considerate and tell you what’s going on.” As @grace27 mentioned, it’s a good back up plan, or if it really fit what a student wants anyway, great, but I wouldn’t encourage my student to change their whole college structure for it. But that’s me.

“Trojan Transfer information session…” is the key phrase in your letter. Students who have not been invited to the program simply do not have that paragraph in their letter at all. Of course, anyone can apply as a transfer student next year. However, those who have received this invitation will have an advantage of sorts, by meeting with an advisor who will help guide them into and through the transfer process. And there is nothing ‘binding’ about the information session and meeting with the advisor. You can study at whatever institution you choose for your freshman year, and decide in January if you still want to apply to transfer to USC. A percentage of “TTP” students decide each year to stay where they are and not apply to transfer at all. Although I’m sure it’s terrifying, and of course, upsetting after receiving that initial ‘rejection’ for Fall attendance, TTP is really a great ‘second chance’ at attending USC.

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Hello CADREAMIN. First off, I want to take a minute to thank you for all that you do for this forum. You input on all thing SC is what makes this community so great.

My Older daughter is now a Junior in SCA and you really helped us through that process. Thank you for your take on this topic!

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Eeellis626. You are so right. When my daughter received the rejection email a few days ago, she was crushed. It has been her dream of attending USC for the past few years and thought she had a good chance. When we initially read the letter, we didn’t pick up on the detail of the transfer program. After some research, we thought that since TTP wasn’t specifically listed that it was just the regular transfer program. After reading the letter a few times, I can see what it is alluding to. We are a double legacy family and double checked with some of my daughter’s friends that didn’t have legacy. You are so right, they don’t have the offer in their letter. Not like this is a sure thing but this give my daughter some hope. I appreciate your explanation!

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, it is a great backup plan so take advantage of the meeting and go forward with it, but if your student is attending another four year, encourage them to engage there and give it a chance, they may decide to stay as mentioned. But if dreams of USC still fill their mind come mid year, go through the application process again and you have it as an option!

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My daughter got this same section regarding tie to Trojan family in her rejection email. We thought that text block would be for any application with legacy status. Do you or anyone here know if there was a rejection with legacy status but the rejection email did not mention this Trojan Transfer suggestion?