Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

I am not aware of any specific instances this year, but anecdotally, I have heard in years passed of both legacies who have not received the offer AND of non-legacies who have. I think it may have started out as a legacy program, but is not exclusive in that way. CADreamin will know more about this I’m sure! I also recall hearing (or reading) that its a relatively small number of applicants who receive this offer, like 1200. It seems to me it is still quite an honor to receive the offer (again, as painful as that initial rejection is.).


yeah thats why I was asking, if you were offered TTP I believe it explicitly says TTP in the denial letter, I’ve seen both the general transfer one (yours) and TTP. I´d double check with USC though

I don’t know if everyone who was a legacy got the offer (CADREAMIN?) But some who are not legacies did also get the offer.

Not all legacies get the offer, but generally those with good stats do. Some non-legacy get offer, usually those high stat kids they don’t have room for, but think they would likely transfer if given chance based on their app.

Thank you!

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Please post if you get the TTP email. Never received email about portal admissions announcement so worried I’ll miss this even though it was in the denied letter received. thanks!

Hi there, I need to apologize for the confusion with my post earlier. We didn’t receive the TTP email. Rather it was a rejection letter posted on my daughter’s portal.

We haven’t received the email for the info session yet either, anxiously waiting.

Sorry if this has been asked already (the keywords aren’t specific enough to search) but…. Daughter was accepted outright but would really be interested in the TTP as a means to make USC more affordable. Would admissions consider this? Or would she have to decline the spot and hope to get in as a traditional transfer?

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I would call and ask, but I wish we could trade places with you!

Congrats on her acceptance!

They won’t let someone volunteer for TTP. You can defer admission (and not attend elsewhere), but not replace regular admission with it. You will have to decline then try to transfer.

While confident about that, for something that big, always good to call USC to get their verification, never know if something changes.

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Thanks for the response - I figured you would know! She’s going to email that and a couple additional questions to her admissions counselor.

Just trying to figure out how to make sense of it financially - my husband didn’t go to college and he literally cannot wrap is head around the costs involved, especially at top tier schools. We are headed to admitted student’s day on the 10th - it will be very hard to turn down the opportunity if she loves it.

Wish the email about TTP would come. My son is deciding between TCU, Clemson, and TTP. All the info would be good so he can make his decision.


Same here. There is a TTP facebook group that has a lot of great info in it too.

Is getting the SGR encouraging or discouraging as a TTP?

What are the chances that I get a SGR? I got a 4.0 both fall and winter quarter at UCSB and met all the requirements I could.

FYI I’m a first year

I think there is a good chance you won’t and you will hear early. I know someone on quarter system that was in your exact spot - everything was met from a 4 year, and had 4.0 (that they also had in high school, so a long record of good stats). So if you really don’t have a key class spring quarter, you should be in good position to avoid it, and those grades from a 4 year helps. They heard shortly after reg decisions - but that was a few years ago. They seem to have slowed the TTP/transfer train a bit in terms of notification the last couple years so timeline uncertain. Usually mid - end of April things start rolling for some TTPs. Use to be as early as April 7th, but it hasn’t been that early for awhile. But truly, they are in charge, so just guessing here based on history.

Ik 4 people who got SGRs this week FYI.

My son just got his TTP email.

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