Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Do you know anyone who has done TTP via JUCO or a domestic university?

In my rejection letter, tttp was offered to me and I was wondering if the opportunity to travel abroad is something that they bring up in the meeting in May? If not when and is there a possibility because of covid that they simply do not do it this year?

My daughter is currently studying in Paris as a TTP student. While traveling to Europe as an American is generally disallowed exceptions are made for students traveling on a valid visa. She left for Paris in September and had zero difficulty arriving and getting thru immigration. AUP is very helpful when it comes to navigating the visa process, which can be daunting during non Covid years and was especially difficult this year.

Traveling within France is possible and within Europe is limited. The most difficult part has been dealing with the mandatory confinement imposed by the French government from time to time. Being allowed outside for just an hour or so per day and not being able to eat at restaurants can be taxing for college freshman looking for social activity.

My son’s said meeting in June. I have seen a couple references of May. Are there different tiers of TTP now?? Thanks!

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Not sure but that would be a departure from everything I know about the program. Appointments last year were virtual and TTP participants were randomly assigned a counselor who provided multiple days and times lots for appointments.

Regarding the TTP transferring proccess, when they mention that 30 units are required, is that in relation to my college’s transcript or in relation to how USC calculates units? At the college I would attend, the four classes I would take are 3 units each, for a total of 12 units a semester. However, at USC this would equate to 16 units, and I would be on track as 16 units is standard a semester at USC. Going for 15 units a semester at my college (20 units a semester at USC) would mean having to take 5 courses a semester, and I wouldn’t want to jeporadize my aim of a 3.6 GPA and just be more stressed enrolled in 5 classes. If the 15 units is in relation to my transcript and not how USC handles their units, that means I would take 2 courses at a CC to obtain the required units, but I was wondering if anyone can help answer my question soon, as the CC classes begin in mid May, and my appointment with my advisor wouldn’t be till June, and registration for those classes are already starting.

There are only two methods of calculating units: Quarters and Semesters.

30 semester units = 45 quarter units.

USC requires 128 units to graduate, but you may transfer with 30-32 academic units. If your college goes by semester, it will be parallel to the way USC calculates units. USC also allows you to take 3 semesters to reach 30 units, meaning you could apply as a spring transfer. If your college goes by semester, try to take winter and summer term courses to spread your units out.

Hope this helps!

When the TTP states that you can transfer within 2-3 semesters, does that mean transferring as a sophomore?

That was actually helpful, thank you so much! Regarding the third semester, how would that work? From what I know, USC only considers transfers for the Fall semester, so how would I be able to transfer for the Spring semester?

@friscoballa they don’t have a separate transfer cycle to apply for spring admission, you cannot apply as a spring transfer. You may be admitted to the next fall or spring when you apply by Feb 1st, but whether spring or fall is not your choice.

So trying to clarify…they may choose to admit you after 2-3 semesters (fall or spring), but you don’t have 3 semesters on your app for TTP. What you have Feb 1 application due date that includes the previous fall and the current spring that is what you apply with as a TTP. (And if you take a summer course this summer - that could be thrown in, but certainly not necessary.)

Of course other transfer students (non-TTP) may obviously include additional semesters on their applications, I am referring to TTP, which is what you were discussing above in your replies. But even in “regular” transfer case, there is only one application deadline, which can get them admitted in fall (the great majority) or in spring (small number compartively).

Meetings are in June. They set them up in later May for June.

Ok but should I start taking my classes early around summer that way I finish them earlier? What do you advise since I want to get in as a sophomore and no later under the TTP? Thanks.

The College I would most likely attend (Vanguard University of Southern California), all the core courses are 3 Units (General Biology, BISC 120 to us, General Chemistry, CHEM 105a to us, Pre-Calculus, MATH 108, and Writing Compherension, WRIT 150). I also forgot to mention that there’s additional one unit labs with Chem and Bio, so in actuality I would be at 14 units, would still be one unit short, but what I’m trying to convey is that in USC’s terms, this would equate to 16 Units, as all of the classes I’m taking are equivalents to USC’s, and technically if I transfer they should be coneverted to 4 Units. That’s ultimately what I wanted to figure out, so you clearing up the confusion helps.

I also just read your second to last sentence I was wondering why you wouldn’t recommend summer classes to reach 30 units?

Only asking bc it says you can transfer within “2 or 3 semesters”.

The did not say transfer in “2-3 semesters” until to this year. It was always transfer next year. Frankly, 2-3 semesters has always been true, as you can be a fall or spring admit, but they just never called it out. So now they formally put 2-3 semesters on the letter and it turned everyone upside down.

By stating it more formerly now, it is a bit of a hedge with the whole covid situation to give them leeway if things are still upside down, that way using fall/spring acceptance of transfers for a bit of balancing (will people be abroad, will they not, etc,) there are still unknowns that they have to plan around. The do this with reg decisions too, so no surprise there.

Other random things in play - there are times when a TTPs has the goods but they can see they aren’t mature enough to attend in the fall and they want them to grow up more before they get there. (Like the kid impatiently nagging his AO with way too many questions type…etc)

Finishing classes early means zero zip nada. Getting the right amount of credits, good grades and the right classes means everything. It is not winning a credit race that gets you to fall or spring. Most TTPs will get fall, a few may get spring, but that is more an exception than rule, either way not in your control (except for that maturity thing).


Thanks for your input, now do you think it is worse or better for us now that they say 2-3 semesters instead of next year? Also do you think we get more of a benefit bc of covid compared to years of the past? Appreciate it.

I don’t think it makes a difference at all, they are a machine and things run the same, just a bit of wacky with this covid thing this year. By the time you apply in Feb then attend next fall, it should be all peachy, so don’t sweat it. What I meant about summer is you want to have your classes for transfer in terms of application be finishing the spring semester. That is what you are evaluated on - the spring semester or quarter that ends in May/June. You could take classes this summer if you choose to get a jump start and not have such a heavy load in fall or spring.

Your advisor will guide you at the meeting, so don’t worry if you still have questions, that is what they are there for.

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Thank you so much cadreamin, your threads help a lot.

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I’m sorry one last question I totally forgot, do second semester grades for senior year really matter, bc mine have kind of taken a dip, just wondering still got the TTP though.