Trouble! "Leadership"

Does anyone have recommendations for “leadership” activities a soon to be senior can do over summer? What volunteer have you heard of - that looks really good - over the summer. If this helps, I’m probably going into either engineering, ortho, or business. I can also dedicate a lot of my time to it. PS i might be able to intern/volunteer at my friends mothers ortho business, but idk what else to do.

Here’s a few ideas:

Internships, starting your own business (can be online, too), volunteering, volunteering at summer programs that teach topics that you are interested in, getting a job and acquiring duties that require leadership, summer programs, summer research programs, conducting research on your own, and/or job shadowing.

Good luck

Leadership can be President of a club or Captain of the Team or Section Leader in Band. But it can also be:

-Student involved in ethnic community center for years and then is asked to teach little kids
-Actual officer in a club
-Watched his little brother after school and encouraged parents to sign up brother for sports team and took him to practice
-Within a club, organized an activity for that club
-Lead a community service activity
-Lead singer of a band - sings, chooses set list, organizes transportation for other members
-Summer Camp counselor
-Boy Scout Eagle Award/Girl Scout Gold Award
-EMT Cadet
-Boys State/Girls State
-Tutors others

Do you belong to a house of worship? or do you have friends that do? Then volunteering at Vacation Bible School or the Like.

I would say the only feasible leadership roles you could take now, since you’re going to be done applying to college by the end of the year, is to volunteer or get a job/internship. Things like Eagle Scout take YEARS (it took my brother four). You could probably run for an officer role in a club. Do you have any clubs that you have been involved in for multiple years?