True or False??

<p>Going through old post on NEU, I came across many things but something that struck me the most was: I really want to go to NEU but there were stories of NEU screwing you with you're financial aid the next year. Like offering you more the first year then going down the next year and so on. Is this true do they give u more just so u come, the first year. Anybody have input somebody who's gone through the financial aid process and is currently attending NEU??...plz i am very worried and so are my parents.</p>

<p>I don't know about need based aid. I do know that merit aid is awarded for all years and the only reason it is changed is if the student doesn't maintain the gpa required or doesn't maintain full time student status.</p>

<p>S is in his second yr and received the same amt in grant money and merit aid both yrs, wk study and loan amts actually increased this yr. What I have been told is that your aid should stay pretty much the same each yr, however, they do reevaluate it each yr and presumably it would be adjusted if there was an unusually high increase in income. Also, after the second yr, most students do co-ops and so are not in class as much as the first yr since classes are stretched out over 5 yrs (co-ops are 6 mos long); this can also increase income. So, yes, your aid will go down for your last few yrs - if you are looking at the entire yr, but it's still basically the same for each semester where you are paying tuition (with adjustments for summer sessions since tuition is also less as you take fewer classes during the summer)</p>

<p>with the aid NEU gave me, they outline the first year (ie $15,000) for the entire year and the next three academic years (not including Co-Ops) as semesters (ie $7,500), which turns out to be the same each year.</p>

<p>Yeah, haven't had any issues with either my merit or my need-based. </p>

<p>Merit shouldn't change. For need-based, you send in FAFSA every year for evaluation. Unless your financial status changes drastically, fin aid should stay relatively the same. I sent in FAFSA 3 months late for sophomore year, and still got good aid. Also, the financial aid office has never been anything but helpful for me.</p>