Trustee Opportunity Scholarship Program

<p>one of the practically 20? hahaha I feel kinda bad now that nobody stood up and asked when everyone was there. I just randomly asked in my van on the way back to the airport and chance would have it that almost everyone in my van was from CC.</p>

<p>lol. that was a funny coincidence. I've been wanting to write something on here since I got back. It was nice meeting you guys too! I kind of miss being at Kenyon.</p>

<p>I know! It's so weird after being at college for 3 days to come back and have high school be the same as always :(</p>

<p>Agreed, it was the oddest coincidence! I could tell it was awkward to talk about CC at first, but when we found out 4 of us were users we all started high-fiveing and cheering. :)</p>

<p>haha it's funny being on here and remembering the situation, but I can't remember which names are connected to which people. It wasn't as awkward as I imagined it would be once the secret got out :). the strangest thing was exchanging our screen names. I don't think I've ever said mine aloud.</p>

<p>I know! Like my one friend makes fun of me for being on these forums and so sometimes he uses it but really I never say it out loud and only a couple people even know it. It was so weird though that we all knew some of the same stories form being on CC!</p>