Trying to find research position, need suggestions

<p>i am now a second semester freshman who would really like to start doing research in engineering. i have exhausted the obvious resources, i.e. going to Dean Yates and trying to talk to professors in person but i've only had one engineering class and have none next semester. i'm trying to find something in a field that interests me but of the two professors i've talked to one has his lab located an hour off campus and the other met with me once and hasn't replied to my emails since. the school talks about how much they encourage undergrad research so i'm hoping there is some mechanism i don't know about but so far all i have gotten is Dean Yates telling me essentially that i can't get a research position without research experience...</p>

<p>Did you check the bulletin boards at Viterbi? Do you see any research positions advertised? Is it possible to find something research oriented over the summer at USC or in your home town to get the research experience? The other thing is being paid. My son said that all of the positions he tried to get for part time jobs at USC are for work-study students (he is not on work-study). Therefore, I wonder if the paid research jobs are for work-study students. Are you willing to work for volunteer research? The only other thing is perhaps it is too time consuming to do research in addition to a full time student load.</p>

<p>Did you check the bulletin boards at Viterbi? Do you see any research positions advertised? Is it possible to find something research oriented over the summer at USC or in your home town to get the research experience? The other thing is being paid. My son said that all of the positions he tried to get for part time jobs at USC are for work-study students (he is not on work-study). Therefore, I wonder if the paid research jobs are for work-study students. Are you willing to work for volunteer research? The only other thing is perhaps it is too time consuming to do research in addition to a full time student load.</p>

<p>i have work study and am willing to work as a volunteer, i just want to work in a research field which interests me. i wasn’t aware of the bulletin board, i will look for it online but could you post the link?</p>

<p>I don’t know of a link. I would think there would be a bulletin board some where in Viterbi where you could see if anyone is looking for a research assistant. By any chance, did you let the professors you spoke to know that you are on work study? I wonder if you can get a research position funded by work-study so that you are only working one job. Did you go through the Freshman Engineering Academy class where you met various representatives of different areas of Engineering? I suggest that you think about which area of Engineering interests you. Put together a nice one page resume to give to the appropriate professors and be sure to mention that you are available as being funded under work-study or as a volunteer if you are comfortable. I also wonder if the USC career placement center has the listings for research and can tell you where to forward your resume. Why not start with the USC career placement center for students? I hope this helps.</p>

<p>thanks, i hadn’t thought of looking through career placement. i don’t; find anything like a bulletin on viterbi site and have never heard of such a thing. the professor i am most interested in working with hasn’t responded to my last two emails so i need to get my foot in the door before i can start worrying about convincing him to take me on. i’ll try calling him again after break before i move on</p>

<p>My impression is that there is more than one professor teaching similar courses. Perhaps you can find another professor doing similar research? My guess is the professor who hasn’t responded may have gone out of town for vacation and/or doesn’t have money for funding. This is why I suggest that you put together a one page resume and be sure to add that you are a work-study student willing to volunteer to help with a research project. When you get back to USC next week, check the USC Career placement center and speak to a professional in that office for their support to help you find what you want. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>My son had no problem finding jobs and internships when he was in high school. I think he was surprised when he got to USC only to be asked, “Are you on work-study?” when looking for a part time job on campus. It doesn’t really matter this coming semester because he will have a full load of courses. I am sharing this because I think the work-study kids are getting the jobs (at least more easily).</p>