Trying to find the fine line between helping & hindering

<p>My son has ADHD. Great kid, bright but scattered. Over the weekend, I was keeping an eye on him as he studied for exams, and would nudge him when he got distracted for too long on the computer (he uses it for background music). He did in fact study a lot over the weekend. Late Sunday night, he had a horrible stomach ache & couldn't sleep. He had 2 exams on Monday. Clearly it was anxiety. He hardly slept at all, so we let him stay home on Monday & has since rescheduled those exams. (His English teacher was understanding and said "tell S it is only a test"). So....I am trying to find the right balance between encouraging him and not hovering with a critical eagle eye. He may have had the anxiety episode without me, but I do not think I helped. I think I hindered. Do other parents struggle with this too?</p>