Trying to get into a nice college, but lack ofmotivated.

<p>Hi guys. I'm just a dude that likes learning, but often times I find myself inconsistent and seem to always procrastinate and day dream. I was just wondering if I could make it into atleast UCSB, UCI, UCSD, and if UCLA, UCB if I keep up my good work. UCLA/UCB are a reach. However I don't mind going to UCI, or SD either.</p>

<pre><code> Freshman

P.E : A
AP European History : A
Introductory Computers : A
H English 9 : B
Algebra II : B
H Chemistry : A

P.E: A
AP European History : B
Science and Technology(elective) : B

H English 9 : B
Algebra II: B
H Chemistry : B

<p>Yeah I slacked off...
AP Biology : B
Advanced Biology : B
AP Chem :C
Spanish 1 : A
H Eng 10 : A
Math Analysis : B</p>

<p>Second Semester
AP Biology : B
Adv Biology : A
AP Chem : A
Spanish 1 : A
H English 10 :A
Math Analysis : A</p>

<pre><code> I just want to know if its possible for me to even hit UCI, or UCSD with my sophomore 1st semester slump.. it was real bad.. just was frustrated and angst-y.

 my jr year will consist of ap calc, ap US, and ap eng (and other darned requirement classes) worst comes to worse I get a C in calc, but A's and B's in every other class, do I have a chance at UCI and UCSD?
    Also, my practice SAT scores are about 1850. Assuming that my SAT score is around the mid 1800's as well.


<p>just want feedback.</p>

<p>Make an appointment with your guidance counselor or a trusted teacher or parent/older adult. Even if you know know your GC well, please try to connect and see what advice he/she can give you. There are professionals in your life right now who can really help. Don’t give up trying to find this. CC is OK but you need a real body in front of you.</p>