<p>I haven't decided what I'll major in in college yet, but I know that I want to complete premed requirements. It's likely that my major will biology, but It's also very possible that it will be something like psychology. I'm currently trying to finalize my list of schools to apply to. It will probably end up being somewhere between 7 and 12 schools.</p>
<p>I wanted to know which of the schools have bad grade deflation or bad acceptance rates to med school. I would greatly greatly appreciate if anyone could direct me to a book/website/magazine article/guide/ANYTHING that would have information on grade inflation/deflation or acceptance rates into med school.</p>
<p>In case anyone only has information on a specific school, here are the undergrad schools that I'm currently considering:
Carnegie Mellon
Case Western Reserve
Columbia U
George Washington U
U of Rochester
Johns Hopkins
Wash U in St Louis</p>