Tufts Chances?! Senior freaking out!

<p>Hey, all. Could you guys take a few moments to chance me for Tufts? I will chance you back! (for Tufts or whatever)</p>

<p>Ok, <em>sigh</em>, here it goes:</p>

<p>Race: Egyptian
Gender: Male</p>

<p>GPA: 3.75 W
Rank: 66/522 (top 12%)
SAT Reasoning Test: 760 Critical Reading, 780 Math, 800 Writing (78 MC, 12 E)
SAT Subject Tests: 780 Math Level 2, 760 Chemistry, 710 Literature
AP Exams:
Calc BC - 3 (AB: 5 and I only took the AB class)
Comp Sci. A - 3 (Self studied)
English Language - 5 (self study)
English Literature - 4 (self study)
Chemistry - 5
Statistics - 5</p>

<p>Courseload in general: Hardest Possible. </p>

- Computer programming/game development as a hobbly for 4 years
- Studied guitar under a professional for two years and have been composing since
- Have made many of my own custom levels for 3D games</p>

<p>Essays: Good; showed my passions. </p>

<p>So, whadda ya all say? Do I have an above average shot? I mean, the accept rate is pretty scary...</p>

<p>i’m pretty much in the same boat as you, buddy. the only thing that worries me a little bit are your EC’s. are you involved with anything in your school? sports or clubs?</p>

<p>Your GPA is 3.7 weighted? What would you say your grades are like (unweighted, obviously) - more in the B range? Or does your school provide very little weighting, meaning that your weighted GPA is misleading and your grades are more in the A-/A range?</p>

<p>I have 19 A’s, 5 B’s, 4 C’s.</p>

<p>Oic, it’s the C’s bringing your grade down. Are they in your hardest classes, or classes such as gym, etc.?</p>

<p>Are they scattered or all in one year? I think it really depends on your individual transcript.</p>

<p>i have to agree with neethus. you have weak ECs and your grades dont seem that strong. its good that you took hard courses but i think you overdid it. you have a chance though. good luck</p>

<p>Anything published / mention of you in any magazine?
That could definitely help
edit: How the sdfsldfasd did neethus get 500 posts before i did?</p>

<p>^ I post a LOT, lol. Check my average number of posts per day… CC is so addicting :(</p>

<p>OH, and 500th post! :D</p>

<p>Also, to get back on topic, I’m not saying that you have no chance. IMO your school is competitive judging by your great AP test scores. If you were able to get 5’s in Chem and Stat, and yet still have C’s, either you slack off or you work very hard, but your school is just hard. Is your school nationally or state ranked? Do you know what kind of kids got into Tufts from last year? It is possible that Tufts will overlook your C’s and B’s – as long as you have something else to show for it. Don’t worry… relax and enjoy the rest of your senior year, seriously, because this are a few months of relaxation that you won’t get for awhile!</p>

<p>I got in. Just goes to show that high SATs do make up for lousy grades at lousy public schools! :)</p>

<p>Congrats on getting in! Will you be attending, or have you settled on another school? And if so, which one and why?</p>

<p>Unfortunately the stock market ended my hopes of going to Tufts. I will be attending UVM, mostly because I got very nice scholarships (I was a national merit scholar, so that earned me some bucks).</p>