Tufts Class of 2027 Official Thread

Not yet. Anxiously waiting

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Yeah still waiting on mine, good to know a lot of people are in the same position


My sonā€™s financial aid is in his portal now. Itā€™s better than another non-merit school, most is grant. Thank goodness

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yes!! i just got mine, I got such good money which is shocking because my family is never given good aid!!! super exciting


Same here!! We are thrilled and so grateful!! :partying_face:

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@8bear Looks like a possible yield protection. I bet and hope you will receive offers from multiple top schools.


Thanks. Yeah, luckily, no need to worry about my DS23. Heā€™s already been accepted to several great schools including UCLA & USC, both of which I think heā€™d choose over Tufts. So if it was YP, they may have guessed right.


We have not yet received our aid notification. We called and they said not all have been sent out. Donā€™t know whether to read into this or not.

Tufts admitted a full pay waitlist kid from my HS for Class of 2026. We both are in the same freshman dorm this year.
Tufts is very need aware. That student was not in the top 5% of our HS class and did not submit test scores to Tufts. They did well, are smart, and hard-working. However, Tufts denied several stronger applicants ranked and rated in every way above that student; they all had applied for aid.
I got in and got a lot of needed financial aid. Then the only other student to get in was a full pay that got off the waitlist in early May.

Tufts is exceedingly need aware. They were very generous with my fin aid, but then rejected several HS classmates right behind me in rank, top 1% of class, hight SAT test scores, less ECs. Yet waitlisted a less stellar full pay student and picked them up off the waitlist in early May. We both are freshmen at Tufts.

Fwiw, at pretty much every school, FP kids have a major edge when it comes to getting off the WL. Why? The school may have very little FA budget left to work with after May 1 (because it has all been used by enrolling students) but still have several places in its class to fill. Donā€™t confuse WL admissions processes with RD ones.

Most schools make RD decisions without considering need for FA then go back and tweak to make sure they can afford the class they want to admit. So yes, for two kids ā€œon the cuspā€, the FP one gets the nod.

Also remember that the schools simply decide who makes the cut. They are not engaging in the kind of ā€œbetterā€ assessment that students here use. The kid who is 20th in his class is no worse than the one who is 10th ā€“ they are both qualified ā€“ and the one who is 20th may be more interesting to the school because of an interest in classics, or as a potential member of the music community. And they are assessing the person in the application, not the person you know.

You are correct that Tufts cannot enroll its class with no thought as to their need for FA. Only a handful of schools do that.


Very well said. To add to your point, there is a active law suit against those elite schools regarding their claim of need blind. Tufts does not have resources like those schools, at least it is honest.

The point I want to make is that part of your aid from the school is from the tuitions paid by those full pay families, Tufts has relatively small endowments, and does not have resources of its elite neighbors, money does not grow on trees.

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Admissions is not linear. They donā€™t rank the academic performance of every student and and then admit people by running down the list in order. You know that.

Also, many, many, many full-pay students were also denied.

Final point: Pretty much all colleges are selecting full-pays over high-need students if they are selecting from the waiting list. Need-blind vs. need-aware applies only before waiting list (for the most part). Colleges donā€™t set aside FA funds just in case they have to go to the waiting list.

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I do know all this, as you note. I hope the class of 2027 students find fit and happiness where they land.

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Hi, I hope you received your FA decision already. My daughter is still waiting for FA decision.

My d is still waiting for her FA decision. Have you received it yet? Thank you!

I called them and 30 minutes later they sent the FA which amounted to $0. I would give them a call.

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No. We are still waiting for it!

Sad to hear it. Hope it is a mistake.