Tufts Class of 2027 Official Thread

My son got accepted to CAS.

SAT 1570, NMSC finalist, 4.0UW/4.5W GPA, 6 AP by junior, 2 DE courses post AP Calculus
One club president, 4 year varsity sport team, 2 year college research program

Good luck


waitlisted, school of arts & sciences
1570 SAT, 4.0uw/4.7w, 11 APs, 5’s on all (5) tests taken so far
nationally ranked in one EC, research, hundreds of hours community service, varsity sports, leadership roles

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FYI, Tufts admitted zero waitlisters in their last published stats (2021)

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That was the year they over-enrolled. They did accept some from the waiting list last year.

I think requesting to know where you enrolled to get onto a waitlist is highly unusual.

I’m sure it’s unintended, but it makes the school seem like it has little faith in itself (we want to know if you got into a “better” school so we don’t waste our time taking you off our waitlist if you did). At minimum, it’s not a good sign for what the college administration thinks about student privacy.

I had assumed “Tuft’s syndrome” was a myth, but this does make it seem like it might be real as it’s exactly the data a number cruncher would want to verify that the AO’s did a good job of yield protecting (if everyone on the waitlist enrolls in another school that Tufts thinks is “better” than Tufts, the AO’s did their job). Whether they are doing that or not, certainly not a good look.

In case any one from Tufts admissions is reading this, here’s my two cents worth

If you’re concerned about wasting time re-reviewing an applicant who will not accept your offer to come off the waitlist, you’ve got two things you could easily do to minimize that effort without asking where an applicant enrolled. (1) Give low priority to those who don’t fill in the other requested info on the waitlist form (updates they think might be relevant). Most applicants who are truly still interested will put something thoughtful in that box. (2) Require that those who want to stay on the waitlist do something to reconfirm after May 1st (reply to an email, login to portal and check some box, etc.). Anyone who has forgotten about Tufts by May 1st, won’t bother doing that. Even if this isn’t a requirement to stay on the waitlist, you could put those who don’t respond at the bottom of the waitlist review pile.

If you are just trying to remind people that they must enroll elsewhere by May 1st (don’t just hope for long shot admission via waitlist), just make them check a box saying that they have enrolled elsewhere. There is no need to ask where they enrolled. Or, at least make it clear that this field on the form is optional (kids are taught that there are no optional fields on anything requested by admissions, so you would need to make this very clear right on the form itself).


very true about kids being taught there are no optional fields. we arent sure what to do, further complicated by the fact she hasnt really decided yet amongst her options yet, and didnt really want to have to delay getting on the waitlist due to something like that (esp given she would love to attend Tufts)

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Could you write still deciding?

We decided not to fill out the form for now. My guess is that, in this case, they don’t use how quickly you fill out waitlist form as a measure of interest (I would think most who are applying to Tufts and get on the waitlist haven’t decided yet). I’m not sure that any place really does that anyway. They have an update box where you can express interest (“it’s my dream school”, if that’s the case). Or, you could call admissions and ask if it’s truly optional.


Accepted arts&sciences

4.1 Weighted GPA 3.7 UW
1430 SAT
Lacrosse&Field Hockey
President of a club


anyone get an email from the AO that read their application?


If you accept a place on the WL offer, you are saying that this school is preferable or equal to any of your other offers. You should not accept a position on the WL if you plan to turn it down!

You don’t get priority by getting in line first. So if you are still waiting for decisions and they include schools you like better, don’t join the WL until you hear from them. @8bear , you are right to wait!

I do think it’s odd that Tufts wants to know where you will go if you don’t get off the WL, but I can imagine a few reasons that this could be helpful to them. It may give them an idea about whether they can be competitive on FA. I don’t know, but they may wonder, if you are in state and headed to UMass, if you will say yes to being FP at Tufts because that’s a big price differential. (Not saying, btw, that you wouldn’t be approached with an acceptance off the WL, but it could factor in.) As summer moves on, they may not approach you if your accepted school year has started or if you would already have made a tuition payment. WL offers don’t impact yield calculations, so there’s nothing in it for them on that front. When they get to extending WL offers, what matters is getting a yes as quickly as possible. For them, it’s completing a puzzle, so each piece they fill in gets them closer to finishing, and each time someone passes on their offer, they need to try some other piece.

My kid had lots of WL offers, and I totally understand the frustration of feeling so close to having made the cut and stressed about the uncertainty.

The only thing I’ll add is that if you decide to stay on the WL, send any materials/statements you are asked for that strengthen your application. Updates that improve your application may be helpful. If you truly, honestly 100% know you will say yes if offered a spot, say so. Then forget about it and explore the options you have and decide where you’ll go. Odds are that will be where you land. Lingering over WL schools is not productive.

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It is not uncommon to ask such a question these days. It is a two ways street.

Seen the school question when declining an offer of admission but have no experience with any waitlists.

@SouthYankie , yes, good point. I also wonder if that field is wrongly on the form and was meant for people decliing an offer or a place on WL.

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I sincerely hope that is not taken into account. Many top students are not getting in to where they expected and currently their main options are midlevel OOS or instates. Does not mean they would not go to Tufts if invited. Also Tufts is now need blind I thought although years ago they were need aware

Update: I believe @socalmom2023 is correct and they are still need aware. This web site said they were need blind but I could not find it on Tuft’s website stating they were need blind Tufts University Guide [Admission Strategy] - Ivy Scholars.


My D23 did - which was very nice (although it sounded like a form letter).

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Tufts is very much still need aware


Daughter was Accepted
4.8 weighted/4.0 unweighted
10 APs
1530 SAT
4 year varsity athlete (not participating for college)
500+ volunteer hours
On 4 club boards
Has a job


Anxiously awaiting news on financial aid (supposedly coming this afternoon). I know Tufts is committed to meeting need, but has anyone heard if they do that primarily through loans, or are they also generous with grants?

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Has anyone heard back about financial aid yet??? they sent me an email but everything is locked on the portal still.

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