tuition and fees

<p>First of all, let me say that I am so glad to join College Confidential Forume
Secondly, I need to have info about the tuition and fees of the graduate study in the American universities for the international students.
I browsed the internet and I found that the avg percentage of the tuition is almost $25 000.
Are all the American universities paid this percentage of tuition?
Would you please provide me with some universities that offer lesser tuitions.
While I was trying to get info from the internet, I came up with the word ( credit )
Credit per hour and credit per month … etc
Would you tell me what do they mean by credit ? Is it one way the university will be paid?</p>

<p>Thank you in advance</p>

Khaldoun Shoubash</p>

<p>Well, in a university setting “credits” or “credit hours” usually refer to the progress you make towards your degree. For example, an undergraduate degree might require 128 credits, and most courses would count for 3 or 4 credits each. Many universities calculate tuition as a multiple of the number of credits you are enrolled in (e.g. $500 per credit hour, with 15 credit hours per semester -> $7,500 tuition per semester).</p>

<p>What field do you want to go to graduate school in, and what degree are you pursuing? In many fields PhDs and in some cases Master’s degrees are funded by the university. For example, while there might be an official tuition charge of $25,000 a year, most graduate students might receive a waiver of that fee and maybe even a stipend to cover living expenses. As a science PhD student you might get $20,000 stipend per year in exchange for 10 hours of work a week (teaching, grading, etc).</p>

<p>please can i get nursing cheaper as an international student? or do u suggest canada? i would love to pay like 5000 dollars tuition.thanks</p>

<p>You need to tell us if this is UG or Graduate. For UG this is my POV:</p>

<p>When I first got to the US tuition was $7k per term for me (12-18 credit hours) as an undergrad. This next year it will be $10,000 per term for incoming undergraduate international students. (Tuition increased by over 40% in 5 years and its still rising)
That is just tuition though. Don’t forget you need Insurance, room and board, food etc… I found that I easily spent $50k a year when I included all of my expenditures.</p>

<p>I honestly don’t think you will find a cheap US school in regards to international tuition. Your best bet is to either apply for aid or apply to a state school (Whom usually have the cheapest tuition for international students)</p>

<p>Canada is an option. UG there is much cheaper.</p>