Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Congratulations! I saw your post in another (Pitt) thread that you are almost ready to give up on merit from Pitt. I felt the same way a couple days ago, just waiting and hoping and not seeing anything come through. It is a huge relief.


Huge congrats to the kids of @AnonMomof2 @Elisette and @DtheHun on getting TE awards at Pitt! What a great surprise. Did none of the awardees get initial merit offers from Pitt? That must have been a long wait.

My son also applied but has heard nothing on TE (got his merit award ~1 week after acceptance). I’m curious to know if anyone has received their Pitt TE denials yet. We knew it was a total long shot so he’s expecting a denial. Will be nice to know for sure, since he hasn’t heard a thing on TE from any of his 9 schools yet.

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Thank you @ColdWombat. It was a long wait, she was accepted mid-November, and we heard nothing about merit until the TE email today. She has 2 other TE schools and five or so that only do need based aid, so it will be hard to justify their costs.


Congratulations! Did you receive an email to inform you, or was the info in the portal?

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Thank you. We didn’t receive initial merit offer from Pitt (the ones that came out October/November) and my son applied to their in-state scholarships (there are two) and was declined from both in January. Plus reading on previous years’ TE threads that Pitt awards TE to out-of-state students lead me to think that we don’t have a chance, so this was a big surprise. Pitt is one my son’s top choices so the disappointments and the waiting was hard (mainly for me, my husband and son are chill). I haven’t received any news from other TE scholarships.


@Elisette @AnonMomof2 @DtheHun

Congratulations on the TE award!! It works! People really get them! :smiley:

Did Pitt send you this news through the portal? Did they email your child? Where did you find the information?

I don’t have access to any of the info so want to know what to ask 23 or spouse to look for.


Thanks @Kombucha22 . My son received an email from Pitt financial aid.

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It does!
I have never seen any portals :smile:. My kid is at boarding school and she forwarded the email from Pitt to me this morning. I have no idea if it’s in the portal.


My D also received the Pitt TE today. She found out by email this afternoon. We were really surprised–didn’t think she had much of a chance given the numbers. This was her first TE award notification (Applied to 6 TE schools.) Received 5k in merit from Pitt back in October. It’s honestly kind of strange timing. She loved Pitt when she visited, but received an unexpected acceptance from a reach OOS public last week, one of her top choices. (And almost affordable!) She is still riding that high and doesn’t seem to appreciate free tuition at Pitt as much as her mama does:)

Unsure how this is all going to play out in the months to come–I’m fastening my seatbelt! But if she doesn’t opt for the Pitt TE, really hope it goes to your kid or other cc parents’ kids who have applied for it and have contributed so much to this TE thread. (The Pitt TE letter did mention having a TE waitlist.)



My son received an email at 8 Am this morning. Nothing in portal or on TE info site yet.

We are OOS and he had received $15K scholarship earlier.

It is currently his top choice!

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Thank you so much to everyone for sharing details around how you were notified, any merit received earlier, and other experiences with TE.

This process can be so mystifying and few details like these are spelled out on the related websites.

I learned SO MUCH here.

My hope is that parents will find this thread in the future and find what we said helpful.

I appreciate you all!


Sharing details and information learned is so helpful!
I know TE is competitive but i see little benefit to being so secretive about it.


My S23 received TE from Pitt. He had previously been awarded 20K in merit scholarships. The letter from Pitt indicates that the TE replaces “previously awarded” aid. Does anyone know if one can negotiate on this at all?


Yes, thanks so much to everyone for sharing all their details. It is an enormous help.

This is interesting. I believe in years past that they have said that they don’t keep a wait list. I also think that people were notified of TE denial at about the same time as the awardees were notified. I will be curious to see how they handle it this year.

I don’t see why that would be necessary, since the TE award covers full tuition.

I’m curious about this as well. I doubt we can go in and try to get more for R&B with just having the TE scholarship, but my son is competing in a competition for up to a full ride (tuition and room and board) at Michigan State. All things being equal he would prefer Pitt and if he won the full ride, could he use that to negotiate at Pitt?

Wondering if anyone knows the answer to this. My daughter received TE to Case Western which is amazing. But that still leaves another $40k/year. Does anyone know if they ever give above and beyond the tuition exchange award? It’s my daughter’s first choice. Pitt is second, and because I work at Pitt, she receives full tuition plus received another smaller award that will go to room and board. So that is very difficult to turn down!

Are there any other TE resources for finding out which colleges have specific majors or the acceptance % all in one place?

We played the TE game with DS22 last year (ended up at a state school) and are about to begin again for DD24. I remember the website being very cumbersome and am wondering if there are any other places for more info. Thanks!

I just realized that Case Western increased their tuition by that much. When I ran the NPC in January 2022, the tuition and fees were $55,148 (Fall 2021 numbers) and for Fall 2023 tuition and fees are $65,351. The TE increased from 39K to 41K. So the COA with TE went from 35.5K to 45.1K. I guess I didn’t do a thorough enough research.
I’m sorry @randomama I don’t know the answer to your question, but I know other universities have added additional money to the TE award (Syracuse and Clarkson U. comes to mind).


I can confirm the mention of the waitlist in the notification email. And I agree, I recall people reporting in previous years that there is no waitlist for Pitt TE, so this must be new.

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My son just heard from Duquesne and received TE for full tuition. Very excited to finally hear from one of the schools he applied to. Hopefully a few more responses roll in soon.

Good luck to all!