Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

According to their TE site, Pitt’s TE awards replace other merit awards.

Yes, it replaced the $15K he received, but Chancellor’s are invited to apply from the honors college pool (honors college admits not yet released AFAIK), so not even until this end of this month/beginning of next. It’s an interview process and 12 full rides (with room and board) are awarded. So Chancellor’s > TE.

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I get it, my son is up for a scholarship at Michigan State, which while not local, is more familiar than not. Pitt gains points because the location is different.

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Incredible Stats!!! He should be able to get into T20 or other elite colleges with scholarships.

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Just received acceptance today from Saint Lawrence with TE award! It came in the mail. Saint Lawrence also awarded a couple of other merit scholarships for $14,000 on top of TE. We are very pleased (and surprised – this showed up in the mail and we were not expecting to hear until March).

Good luck, everyone!


Congratulations! We are still waiting to hear from them. I don’t know if they will send it here or to my daughter at her boarding school.
Their website says they start notifying a week or two after the deadline. There is a St. Lawrence thread on here so I knew people are starting to hear.

I love that they sent it by mail. Very exciting! Congrats.

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Question- did you show a lot of demonstrated interest to St. Lawrence?

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He visited once, and attended a couple of virtual events.

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We have not been able to visit and she hasn’t done any virtual events :grimacing:

This is a little off topic. Have any of you experienced or heard of students who asked for additional merit and received it?

Acceptance to St. Lawrence with TE plus 9k. I was hoping for more, not quite affordable.


Congratulations on the acceptance with TE. I’m sorry that the additional aid wasn’t able to make it affordable for your family, though.

Did this end up being close?

It’s close. It’s at what I was hoping but with the federal student loans. We don’t want to take out loans so need another 5k a year.

One of my D23’s friends recently sent a request to her top pick school asking them to match another school’s merit. If they match it, or even come close, she will attend. (She has not heard back yet.)


Yes, it’s totally accurate for the info we’ve received so far. But basically all we have is acceptance and regular aid info. What we’ve been surprised about is the amount of merit aid he’s received (higher than expected).

RIT, Syracuse, and Case are all RD admissions decisions that he is still awaiting.

He’s only heard back on TE from Pitt, which was denied. He found out sometime this week via email, which said there is NOT a waitlist.

He also applied and was admitted to a few public schools. One of them (with good aid) is his current default, unless a TE offer comes in to displace that school from his top spot.

I don’t recall if you posted predictions on the board. How do you feel about the decisions your kid has received so far? Any big surprises?


With the recent UL admission (U of Louisiana-Lafayett-yes purposefully misspelling it so it doesn’t auto flag another school), who gave merit to bring it down to a COA of 8k/yr, it will be hard to say no unless son gets a full tuition TE offer elsewhere.

Set rate TE award at Gustavus only brought down COA to 24k/yr. Other affordable TE school still waiting to hear from is JU in Fl. Merit has it down to COA of 22k/yr right now.

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Did your son not apply for TE or FACHEX at Loyola N.O.?

A colleague’s son was accepted to Drexel, but didn’t get TE. He received a small merit award instead, but it didn’t come close to TE and was a bit paltry. Drexel was his first choice, so they submitted a merit offer he received from another college (I can’t remember which one) and asked Drexel to reconsider. Drexel came back with a better merit amount, though it still wasn’t close to TE. At least they matched the merit award from the other school to make the cost equal. He is now a happy first year at Drexel.