Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

I’ve only seen one school so far where room/board topped 20k, and that was Fordham. I couldn’t believe it. Most schools I’ve looked at are around 17k total. Still, that’s a lot. Add in the tuition left over after set rate and COA is now 25 - 35k+ (usually west coast and northeast schools = COA is 35k+, midwest/south closer to 25k). Fordham’s COA after set rate is 42k, which is completely out of my (and I’m sure most people’s) range.

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D got TE denial email today from Pitt. Same language - no wait list.

Yes, that surprised me, too. If 23 chooses that school, we won’t have to worry about losing it if something happens with the associated college job.

Another interesting thing is that the school that offered merit came out lower than our state school. Not enough to make a different decision but surprising.

What letter is that? Could you share more?

The letter I was referring to was the Pitt letter that my D received notifying her about getting the TE award. The deadline to accept/decline the award is May 1. As stated in a previous post, they asked that she notify them sooner if she knows she isn’t going to attend so that they can offer her spot to someone off of their waitlist.

Searched TE threads last year and in 2021. There were a couple of posters who didn’t get Pitt TE and also mentioned Pitt not having a waitlist.


That’s interesting. I wonder why the letter says that. Thank you for the additional info.

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Hi- Did anyone hear from UNF yet for the TE?

Sure and I wonder with so many TE applicants, if Pitt decided that it just didn’t make sense to put hundreds of students on the wait list. Instead, they may have some kind of ranking system where they wait list a small number of applicants. This is the only explanation I can come up with.


Your kid applied for TE at Pitt, yes? Pitt did send the info to the TE folks and it’s now showing up as denied on the TE website portal for my son, FYI.

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Denied at Baldwin Wallace (says 11-40%). Not surprised.

Wait. Now changed to waitlisted at BW

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They changed the status?? That’s odd—although good. Did you get emails with the updates?

Yes they changed status.

1130am. Email said TE site update. Denied.
230pm. Email said TE site update again. Waitlist.


Just last week we had a denied changed to awarded. Best day ever as it was our daughters first choice school and full tuition.


Congratulations! That’s so awesome for your D!

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Congratulations! This is a rollercoaster ride for sure.


Wow! What great news!! Congrats!!

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A SLAC wrote to say that, since their scholarship to 23 was larger than TE, they won’t be giving the TE.

This really is a mysterious process.

For some reason, I’m sad about 23 not getting the Pitt TE. I don’t even know if 23 cares! I hope to distract myself and get over it.


I feel you! All my son has is 1 TE denial (also at Pitt) so far. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Trying to keep in mind that he already has great, mostly affordable public school options that he’d be happy to attend… and that even 0 TE offers will work out fine.

The waiting is tough, but I think most of our kids will start getting some exciting news soon.


I just had to complain about how much so many of these universities sell the TE benefit as a way to explain why they keep employee salaries low. The whole “look at the whole benefits package” baloney. In recent years this benefit is so very hard to even get accepted to use.

A $500 total raise in 5 years is ridiculous. A total of less than 1% a year over 8 years is ridiculous.

I am almost glad to have excellent financial offers at other non TE schools so I can potentially think of quitting to get a higher salary.