Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

Haven’t been on here for awhile. DD granted TE for Valpo quite awhile back, notified with her admission letter when she applied EA. Still waiting on eight–including several schools (looking at you BU, CWRU, Pepperdine), that will still be 40K+ even with TE. Uggh. Miami of Ohio (not a TE school, but they gave great merit) is currently her least expensive option at about 26K, though she prefers other schools.


FYI, as I know this information in real-time is valuable to everyone tracking their own TE apps: Loyola Chicago announced their TE awards today (2/21).


S23 admitted to Pitt Honors. With TE, Pitt continues to be in the lead


Rejected for TE at U of Dayton. Not a surprise at all.

Rejected from Dayton here as well. Says no waitlist. That is a bit of a surprise and is the first decision of the season that really stings (for me).

Will be interested to hear how our kid feels about it. He was super interested in the school and would have likely attended if offered TE. They did give him a great aid package. While it’s not quite as cheap as the public options, it’s close. So he may decide he’s still interested. Parents are trying not to feel too bummed out… This is a rollercoaster!


UD was very interested in my son for music and he had a great audition and interview. However, he wants to escape the cold so it is no big loss. The 27,500 merit/yr is not enough to bring it down to other options. And he has better music program options already as well.
Im just glad to have another school off the list!


Denied FACHEX at Xavier.

My son was also denied at Xavier. It had fallen off his interest list, so he doesn’t care too much but as he said, getting turned down never feels good. It was interesting to me that they said they had over 160 TE applicants and over 60 FACHEX applicants (he applied through both programs).

ETA: No mention of a waitlist in the email for those interested in future years.

Rejected from Dayton as well. He had received Pitt and Pitt > Dayton for him si he showed no demonstrated interest in Dayton. Would have pulled the app if we could have figured out how.


Wow I am shocked about that. Pitt TE is a notorious victory, and I’m not aware of Dayton being a super tough one. Just goes to show how unpredictable this TE stuff is. (Huge congrats on Pitt).

My son withdrew a TE app when he decided against one school for sure. My spouse emailed the TE liason at the school to withdraw, and I think they appreciated it.

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Dayton explicitly states they track demonstrated interest for TE, so we were not at all surprised. They are still getting over a hundred apps for 10-15 spots I think

Yeah I have the ~10/100 figure too (can’t remember where I got it). Our son showed lots of interest including a visit, and had gotten very quick admission and big merit so we were hopeful. It’s not out of the running, but we’ll see how other stuff pans out.

Sorry your kids didn’t get better news with Dayton.
Onward, upward:)
For future reference, their TE site says criteria used is based on “Grade point average, a campus visit, financial need based on the FAFSA, and service to the community.”

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Sorry, meant to reply to thread not to just Coldwombat!

I like when they list the criteria – that’s helpful. He has all of those except he’s weaker on the service part. But I’m happy to know that those are the criteria because those are definitely in keeping with the school’s mission. If they have some excellent community-minded candidates with financial need, I am thrilled that they’ll get such a great scholarship. My kid has some great options (including a generous offer at Dayton!). Onward and upward is right!


Yes, I like it too when schools give some information on how they select. Glad your kiddo has some great options, including Dayton! Are you waiting on a lot more TE schools?
Have only heard from one TE school thus far, so still in waiting mode for the other 5.

Yes, he applied to 9 TE schools. Withdrew from one, and denied from Pitt and Dayton. 4 of the remaining 6 are truly in the running for him mentally. He has 4 good public school acceptances. 2 of them he has visited and would be happy to attend. He has eliminated the 3rd. He is visiting the 4th (and cheapest) next month, and he suspects that is where he’ll end up attending (if TE offers aren’t awesome).

He could attend spouse’s school for free and would be fine attending there. He’d prefer not to since he’d like to get out of town and he also knows a lot of profs there personally.

The waiting is hard and it’s tough not to feel like each decision carries a lot of weight. But with a wide net and good safeties in hand, there’s really nothing for us to worry about.


Indeed. And we cast a wide net too but starting to wonder if choice overload is really a thing. It’s a far simpler process when deciding between just A & B :slight_smile:


Denied TE from University of Dayton

We have had two TE denials, yet three acceptances. Still waiting on six. Assuming the decisions will come all at once mid-March. The waiting game is very tough.