Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

I totally 2nd the recommendation for St Lawrence University in upper state NY. Excellent school with lots of sports minded students. They have been pretty generous too with TE given their competitive nature.

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Yes, I found that happened a lot with My D’s safety schools. Not so much with the more competitive schools that she applied to. TE becomes extremely hard to get.

Some schools will “stack” their offers but that is not common. I think Univ of Southern California stacks. ( USC)

I 100% agree. I found the whole experience very unsettling. I felt like the decision of who got TE was already made before we even sent in our interest. Like it was decided in a back room and given to friends and family. I was so dismayed by TE 's total disregard of the lack of transparency.


Rollins gives great Merit too …just saying. It was one of the schools where merit was higher than TE for us.


Interesting as I have heard this too. I bet there is some truth to that.

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That’s good to know - I had not heard that.

I mean - clearly they have the stats on accepted TE students on file. Why not publish them, in addition to saying how many TEs they give out on average every three years? I’m sure many of us would apply to some, and not apply to others if we knew, and simply overall make more knowledgeable decisions instead of doing a lot of anxious shrugging and hoping it all works out for the best.


Exactly! I see there is a .04% chance of getting TE at Pitt.

I emailed several schools but that’s tedious. Wish they’d publish it on the TE website.


Accepted to a TE school with a non-TE scholarship. I’m not ready to share the name of it but it’s a SLAC east of the Mississippi.

The amount is a little more than the set rate.


Rhodes too. A small college in Memphis also offered a considerable amount of merit with the acceptance letter.


I highly recommend reaching out to individual schools. DD was awarded TE at University of Delaware last year with a test optional application. The TE rep there explained the process. For Delaware, TE is awarded on stats, but since the school does not require test scores they do not hold it against a student if scores are not submitted. However, that is likely not the case everywhere. I found every TE rep we contacted to be helpful and forthcoming with number of awards and their process.


My daughter is a college soph and gets TE. This was definitely true when she applied. I agree, email the TE reps, most will respond and give you the low down. You really cant rely on the TE website alone. Sometimes you find more info on the school’s websites too. Good luck!


S23. ADHD decision paralysis is a thing. He’s mad and angry with me again. I don’t want to feel pushy but there are finite due dates for paperwork and such. Sigh. His immature brain does not comprehend the amount of money possibly on the line if his decision paralysis freezes him longer. I’ve given him and his dad (my ex) all the websites and info. Yet my ex still expects me to take the lead as the TE is my employer benefit. So kid sees me as the overbearing one while dad lets him be independent (which kid enjoys).

Vent over.


Can I vent too? I can’t get my HR dept to tell me 1. If I’m eligible to be considered for this benefit or 2. What/when the process is to be selected. I haven’t received any info about our TE program since Jan 2021, and at that point they were having employees apply for eligibility in January 2021 for consideration for the 2021-22 school year!

Apparently the program has changed hands several times since then and it took me a while to get to the person who is coordinating it (so I’m told) but she hasn’t responded to my emails asking about it. Fortunately my D23 isn’t planning on applying Early Decision to any of the TE schools on her list, but we will need to apply by early January at the latest. I can’t be the only one who is hoping to know if I can use this benefit before January rolls around.


I hate that my employer really sold this as a major benefit. Its such a pain in butt.


I’m sorry to hear that. What a bummer. Have you mentioned the amount of money to him? I wonder if that might help.

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At some schools, I think the task/job is given to someone who has many other responsibilities beyond TE. If so, then that can lead to the slow replies.

We discovered that we could submit applications to TE directly without needing the contact at the home school as a middleman. This mean that we didn’t have to wait for the person to submit the schools we wanted, and we could do that part ourselves.

I don’t think if knowing this helps you yet it’s apparently rather new that parents can submit their own applications to schools through the TE website, so I figured I’d mention it.

You can submit directly through the TE site,but I read on the TE site that the application then goes to your school for them to confirm your eligibility. So if your school is not responding to your emails, it may kick them into gear. Ours told us to wait until he gave is the go ahead, which he did at the end of October.

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Thanks all. Sorry to just jump into the thread -I’ve been following along for a while, hoping to hear if I would be able to pursue this too. I did see that we could apply directly to the schools and the application would go to my school for verification. I would consider that if I knew that I was eligible for consideration but I’m actually not sure if I am. I have a f/t benefited staff position but by mutual agreement I only work (and get paid for) 75% time currently (I still have my benefits). With other policies I’ve been treated as a f/t employee so I’m hopeful that will be the case here as well.

Sorry to hear about the struggles with decision paralysis. That must be so challenging to try to address.


Hope that all works well, and welcome to the thread!

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