Tuition Exchange Program?

<p>Has anyone here ever gone to college with their tuition paid through this program? Basically, if a parent works at a school on the list, you can apply for tuition at any of the schools on the list that you're admitted to, and if it's accepted they'll pay your tuition all four years (that's my understanding). However, you have to apply for the tuition and it's not guaranteed.</p>

<p>Here's the website if anyone's interested:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'm only a HS junior, but the schools I'm looking mostly at on it are Dayton, Xavier (OH), and Syracuse.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any experience with this program? Thanks.</p>

<p>bump? (10 char)</p>

<p>I have much "financial want" lol. $1,000,000 of it. GIMME!!!</p>


<p>Though neither of my two biological kids ended up going to a Tuition Exchange school, both applied and were eligible to attend them. My sisters' kids likewise can do the TE thing as they are married to educators as well. The TE varies a bit from school to school, as some schools have "import/export" quotas where one school will only take as many kids in as they have going out to other schools. Some will give you up to the amount granted by TE but the figure does not cover all of their tuition. Some schools on the list have tuitions lower than the upper limit of TE (is it around $21,000 now? I haven't checked since last year.) If their tuition is lower than that limit, sometimes they will let you apply the left over amount to room and board. TE is considered a scholarship of sorts by most schools, in other words, it is not guaranteed to be awarded if you don't meet fairly high criteria. </p>

<p>My best suggestion is to contact the schools you are most attracted to individually. See how they handle import/export, and all of the other issues above. See how soon your parent will need to be in touch with the home college's TE representative. Usually TE is handled through the financial aid office, but not always, so again, you will have to do a little digging!</p>

<p>Good luck in your search!</p>
