<p>Is this a good idea? How many of you are doing this? I'm thinking of taking out a loan anyway from Citibank, so in my case, is it worth doing? We don't really want to pay the monthly fees with our own money. We would rather be doing other stuff with that money.</p>
<p>I'm (we're) doing it. I think it's a good deal; the fees are small. In fact if you had all the money up front and put it in a bank, drawing from it monthly, you might come out ahead or at least even because of the interest.</p>
<p>yea, we're doin it 2. better plan. Samwise r u out of state or instate? My parents r forkin out 2,600/month lol</p>
<p>Same here :(</p>
<p>I'm not too concerned about debt. I think I'll borrow the money.</p>
<p>wait what? ur not too concerned but your gonna borrow. So i guess that means u think ull easily be able to pay it back later, right?</p>
<p>Well my family makes about 30k a year. Hopefully I will be in a better condition to pay off the debt more easily later on than my parents can pay the tuition monthly now.</p>
<p>Same situation here</p>