<p>I am a Tulane student, and I'm most def in the know. This thread is specifically for all "Frosh-To-Be"... There are certain things that you should know about Tulane to ensure the best 1st year experience ever! I mean, one can certainly do absolutely nothing and still manage to have one of the best 1st year experiences anywhere... And parents don't fret, Tulane will give your little baby mad control over insanity(translation: lots of stuff) once they graduate. </p>
<p>So go ahead and inquire about anything and I'll answer in the real, and I'll also post little "need-to-knows" every now and then. Right now I'm spring breakin' it so I have crazy time, you know. I'm so busy when school is in session though, so don't hesitate!</p>
<p>OMG! Flashback!!: I remember my first day at Tulane like it was yesterday! My parents dropped me off and got me settled in, I was insanely nervous and scared, I probably looked sooo sketch! I chose to stay in Butler because it was the "honors" dorm, I'd be amongst the kids who ran the show. Ummm not really. If I could have chosen another dorm it would have been Sharp or even Monroe. Butler is like...ewwww. I mean, the rooms aren't smaller or anything, it's just like antisocial central!. Ok anyway, I met my roomate, he was chill. His mom said I was good looking, I was "OMG...." We walked around to all of the lame orientation stuff. NO ONE pays attention to that stuff, I mean, the parents have their own stuff and that's kinda important, but like the students get to learn the wierd Greenwave cheer and stuff. I was like... Yawwwn. So the parents left!! YAY!!!!! My roomate was telling me about the dif frat parties that night and how SAE and KA were like awesome. When the sun went down we got dressed all nice in our Lacoste and Abercrombie(This is not a depiction of everyone at the school...especially in Butler, if you're still in the highschool "hey, i'm antiprep" stage, Tulane can get pretty prep [Prada, Burberry, Lacoste, Armani, UGG Australia boots are like the trend right now, Polo shades and those huge Juicy Couture bags, Northface EVERYWHERE, you'll see Benzos. Beamers, Jags, and Ferraris in the parking spaces) But anyway, I was so nervous I was on the edge of passing out!</p>
<p>We went to the SAE party first and there were drinks, I had never drank much in HS, my roomate was like chugging the vat for show(He is so not a drinker and barely goes out now...he's all into the academics, as are MOST kids at Tulane, we just like to have a little fun sometimes, as do MOST college students at other colleges.) So anyway, I took a sip of the vat, I was like...ummm, alcohol?? I'm not drinking anymore. So I ditched my cup in the bush somewhere... The party was excellent, SAE has their Fall stuff in the back of their house (a mix of rap & rock music playing). The older girls were walking around with their huge pearls and [insert expensive designer here] dresses. Most of the guys toted Burberry and Lacoste. Everything was pretty chic here. I learned that you DO NOT hug people (because they take lots of time to get ready)! "You lightly kiss your girl friend on the right cheek, you shake your guy friend's hand" </p>
<p>So yay! That was fun.. ok my roomate called me to go with his friend from his academy to the KA party. (Yea folks, still the first night) We arrived at the KA house, I was like...ewww. The guys were really drunk and playing beer pong(beirut) or whatever. (Important note: EVERYONE, from the minute I arrived at Tulane, was SOOOO NICE. I had NEVER expected so many people from so many places, ALL very friendly!) But yea, so the KA guys were like "were bored, lets show you guys a good time!" So we got in cool looking Beamer SUVs and drove off to a bar called F&Ms. Most of the guys were def not old enough to get in.. I was like...what's going on??? We just kinda walked in. (I later learned that Tulane kids have sway at most of the fine establishments in Nola.) The frat guys offered us drinks & shots, I was like.. I don't drink, they said fine.. We danced around a bit, had lots of fun. They brought us back to campus. Me and the roomie headed back to Butler and slept well. Oh yea, I didn't drink during the welcome back weeks. No one forces you to drink. It's your decision. There were parties every night!! EVERY NIGHT FOR TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT. I went to almost all of them. I made so many close friends. The most fun I'd ever had!! And then classes got serious. Parties were then on the weekend. People study during the week. I ended first semester with a 3.6. I don't think that's too bad.... considering that was NOTHING compared to stuff that would happen later in the Fall. Never a boring moment at this school, never.</p>