Tulane Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Tulane doesn’t add additional for National Merit. If your child assigned Tulane as their first choice school in their NM package and get NM then they will get $2000.

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no hat. deferred. legacy, very good ec’s, sports, leadership and grades no test scores but were decent just off the 1400.

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How selective is the Honors College at Tulane?


Deferred. Not surprised, but I could tell DS was disappointed even though I prepped him on odds.
4.0uw, 4.6w, all A’s in most rigorous offered.
No :tophat:
Did not demonstrate interest, why Tulane essay so-so.

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3.8, 2 APs, 28 ACT, Deferred.

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Deferred and cool with it. What’s next?

Where is everyone seeing their decisions? My daughter hasn’t received an email and logged into the green portal but it just shows her application as “submitted”. How are others hearing?

are you sure she applied by the EA deadline?

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yes, but just checked on an actual computer and realized she didn’t click on the EA Application link. Found the letter, deferred. Thanks !


no hat.

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You should have withdrawn your Tulane app after you were accepted ED to another school. This is required by the ED agreement you, your parents, and your school counselor signed.


lmao, who cares? its just early action. he can just decide to not attend if he got into tulane.

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Have you actually read the agreement? Most people rely on a GC’s inaccurate interpretation of the document. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/18/your-money/paying-for-college/early-decision-binding-nyu.html
FYI- I have not seen a CDS for any school that did not report < 100% enrollment for ED

We didn’t get financial aid last year until late February. My daughter did get an additional ‘Tulane Scholarship’ on top of merit so that cost of attendance is close to our EFC.

Deferred. He did get a hat! Unlikely to attend unless he gets nice merit which may not happen if he gets accepted late.


Daughter got accepted, Founders scholarship of $98k over 4 years and honors college. She had lots of demonstrated interest, great stats and ec’s. She’s really happy! And she got the hat!


He sent an email which wasn’t read until after decisions released.

“As a result of the increasingly competitive level of the applicant pool, we are able to accept only a portion of the students who apply to Tulane. Regretfully, you were not among those students selected for admission to the university.”

Showed no interest except eighth grade spring break visit and free app. Solid stats but not for Tulane.

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Ok just putting this in the thread for parents and kids for next year!!!
MUST SHOW tons of interest in Tulane. Like they really REALLY want the love. We were deferred ( which honestly I thought he would be or denied) Did email often with admissions office and attended several online events, just didn’t go visit in person due to football schedule. 4.71gpa 30ACT great EC over 450 hours of vol. Created own charity. Got into SMU and Texas AM Engineering. Plus 15 other engineering schools all with merit scholarships. SO, we pulled his application- it isn’t in his top three, thought we would allow for others to take a spot if he wasn’t even upset about deferral. So for next year make sure you spend a ton of time courting Tulane or you will have a tough time getting in.