Thank you^
Why didn’t I think to post that?
Great experience, little bureaucractic though, though it’s great being their student and being able to take Tulane level classes!
Sad panda at the end of the semester with how weird tutors were, but had a great semester.
Gotta do better with housing though, had to open a lawsuit against a slumlord because of no housing for SoPA students nor do they guarantee housing for sophomores, juniors, nor seniors (last I saw on their website) and came down with a huge sinus infection from the first property I stayed at. $7000 later I find an apartment thanks to the beautifully awesome Erica Woolley (love her to death) though about a mile and a half away from school.
60lbs on my back, wearing a monocle (broke my glasses), limp leg (previous leg injury), IgG antibody issues, stolen laptop (Lyft driver that I never got back), and TULAP lawyer meeting later, 2 hotels, 2 apartments, and lack of transportation from school due to Mardi Gras later (at least when I would want to study on campus during) later, I didn’t do too bad. C in calc 1 and B in Japanese 1.
Loved the spot, would so go back in a heartbeat, iffy about the international ranking (QS and THE) but absolutely loved the people I met, the people I could learn from, the people who taught me, and the student resources. I just wish the pool were open when I was there in the Spring of 2022. :*(
But overall, I loved it, Tulane helped me reconnect with my old man for the first time in years (God I feel old saying it like that), it helped me meet conducive people to my future, and it helped me hope for a better future that I never thought I would have having gone thru a previous depression and nearly pulling the trigger on my head with my gun up to my head (there’s no easy way to say that).
I definitely recommend SoPA for anyone who feels like their lives are going to Hell, and let God help you thru it. They definitely are willing to work with you and Dan Crahey and Michala Williams are some of the most DILIGENT and HARDWORKING people that I have ever met in terms of caring for their students and their futures.
Look for cross listing classes between NTC and SoPA to fulfill the 6 core requirements, ask Michala, he has ALL of the knowledge on such, and spent (if I remember correctly) 10 years with NTC.
He. Is. AWESOME! Overly concerned about where I will live as a SoPA student aside (sorry bro, I already got a dad LOL), and he is TRULY an example of what Tulane diligence is from sending me all of the cross listing classes at the end of the Spring 2022 semester.
To conclude (cuz I can write an essay right now with 3 beers in me), SoPA, you will LOVE Tulane, you will LOVE SoPA, and you will LOVE who you work with.
Go for it!
The worst that they can say to you is “no”.