Tulane University Campus Visits: Share Your Tips & Recommendations

Did you recently visit Tulane University? Share your experience with the community! Post your review in the comments below.

Some ideas for what to share:

  • When did you visit?
  • Where did you stay? Would you recommend it?
  • Where did you eat? Did you try any local specialties?
  • How did you get there? What’s the best transportation mean to get to-from the campus?
  • What was the campus vibe?
  • What did you think of the dorms?
  • What are some must-see things in or around campus?
  • How were the school facilities?
  • Did you like it more or less than you thought you would? Why?
  • Did anything surprise you?

We’d love to hear any tips or recommendations you can share for people planning their visit!

DS and I visited during “Destination Tulane” - their accepted student event in late April 2023.

We’re from the Northeast so required flying into MSY and taking an uber from the airport to the lodging. This view entering the city does not give a warm and fuzzy but once you’re in the area around the school it’s higher end homes.
We got an Airbnb a little less than a mile to the east of the school. There’s not a lot of commercial lodging on that side of the city, the school is in a predominantly residential area - which is also part of its charm. That means you’re either going to be staying at a hotel closer to the French quarter and uber/trolley to the school or get an Airbnb.

We ate at a few places but the ones below stood out as memorable. We also visited the school during Crawfest.
Bearcat Cafe - Breakfast
Superior Seafood & Oyster Bar - Dinner

Campus vibe was great - Tulane is consistently ranked as having “happy students” and that was evident.

The campus tour I’d say was a bit of a letdown. Other than the building where you attend the admissions spiel and the athletic complex you don’t enter any of the buildings. It would have been good to see the inside of some of the academic buildings. The dorms are a low point but if you do any research on Tulane that’s well known and they have big construction in progress (some completing this summer) to improve that situation. The cafeteria area is a relatively new space and very nice but I would say from a “food options” standpoint not as good as some of the larger schools we visited - likely a factor of the school size though more than anything.

Everyone enters Tulane as undeclared but DS is pretty locked down on his academic direction so we had researched and reached out directly to the administration in those programs and they were more than happy to set up time to meet with us directly. One of which gave us a private tour of the campus while we talked about specific programs and opportunities.

DS will attending Tulane in the Fall.

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Visited in Mid April.

Stayed at the Alder Hotel on Magnolia Street cause it’s walkable to the campus.
A bit expensive but otherwise very nice. I’d recommend it.

Ate at the Camilla Grille (Cheeseburger and Fries) and Mr. Ed’s on St Charles (Oysters) among others.

Arrived by rental car. Departed by Amtrak. St Charles Streetcar and Lyft are the best means of transportation if you don’t have a car.

Campus vibe is positive. Surprised at the decent number of Tulane students that attended a baseball game given the team’s poor record. Beautiful ballpark.

Dorms are much improved. There is still at least one that looks like a cheap motel but it’s clear the school is investing in upgrading the on campus living experience.

Visit the Tulane athletic complex, campus store, Tipitina’s on Napoleon Ave, The Boot (adjacent to the campus) Audubon Place and the Freret St shopping district.

School facilities are top notch. However, there is not a lot of consistency in the architecture so the campus lacks any kind of uniform character per se

What surprised me is how run down neighboring Broadway looks. Of course, that is beyond Tulane’s control.
Along those lines, the surrounding neighborhoods really haven’t been upgraded like the school has. There are selective pockets of nice homes but that’s about it. A lot of road construction gives the area a developing country look.

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Remember also students who didn’t get in, or who are considering Tulane: there is the IDT (interdivisional transfer) from the Tulane School of Professional Advancement to NTC with fulfilling the 6 core requirements:
Foreign Language
English (English 1010 compulsory)
Social Science
With a C (or C-) or better
At least two (2) semesters in SoPA (School of Professional Advancement)
At least 18 Tulane credits
Upon completion of such, you will require a deans letter of approval from SoPA, just like going from NTC to SoPA, and you will have completed IDT to becoming a full fledged Tulanian!
Google: Tulane interdivisional transfer, it’ll show up under the School of Professional Advancement.
Perfect way to circumvent the normal freshman undergraduate route if you have a year or three of a break from school, and last I saw, you need a 2.0 GPA to get in. Not necessarily the 1-3 years break from school. Also, you don’t need to break from school, all you have to do is go into the SoPA and work on the transfer process.

They only know what you tell them. :wink:

Good luck everyone, especially if you’re financially hurting, SoPA may be the PERFECT way to start!

Good luck!

Thank you^

Why didn’t I think to post that?
Great experience, little bureaucractic though, though it’s great being their student and being able to take Tulane level classes!

Sad panda at the end of the semester with how weird tutors were, but had a great semester.

Gotta do better with housing though, had to open a lawsuit against a slumlord because of no housing for SoPA students nor do they guarantee housing for sophomores, juniors, nor seniors (last I saw on their website) and came down with a huge sinus infection from the first property I stayed at. $7000 later I find an apartment thanks to the beautifully awesome Erica Woolley (love her to death) though about a mile and a half away from school.

60lbs on my back, wearing a monocle (broke my glasses), limp leg (previous leg injury), IgG antibody issues, stolen laptop (Lyft driver that I never got back), and TULAP lawyer meeting later, 2 hotels, 2 apartments, and lack of transportation from school due to Mardi Gras later (at least when I would want to study on campus during) later, I didn’t do too bad. C in calc 1 and B in Japanese 1.

Loved the spot, would so go back in a heartbeat, iffy about the international ranking (QS and THE) but absolutely loved the people I met, the people I could learn from, the people who taught me, and the student resources. I just wish the pool were open when I was there in the Spring of 2022. :*(

But overall, I loved it, Tulane helped me reconnect with my old man for the first time in years (God I feel old saying it like that), it helped me meet conducive people to my future, and it helped me hope for a better future that I never thought I would have having gone thru a previous depression and nearly pulling the trigger on my head with my gun up to my head (there’s no easy way to say that).

I definitely recommend SoPA for anyone who feels like their lives are going to Hell, and let God help you thru it. They definitely are willing to work with you and Dan Crahey and Michala Williams are some of the most DILIGENT and HARDWORKING people that I have ever met in terms of caring for their students and their futures.

Look for cross listing classes between NTC and SoPA to fulfill the 6 core requirements, ask Michala, he has ALL of the knowledge on such, and spent (if I remember correctly) 10 years with NTC.

He. Is. AWESOME! Overly concerned about where I will live as a SoPA student aside (sorry bro, I already got a dad LOL), and he is TRULY an example of what Tulane diligence is from sending me all of the cross listing classes at the end of the Spring 2022 semester.

To conclude (cuz I can write an essay right now with 3 beers in me), SoPA, you will LOVE Tulane, you will LOVE SoPA, and you will LOVE who you work with.

Go for it!

The worst that they can say to you is “no”.


Are you saying for SoPA they don’t guarantee housing for sophomores?

For undergraduate program they not only guarantee housing for Sophomores, they mandate they stay in university housing. With the current build-out of new dorms there’s rumblings that they’re going to start requiring Juniors to live in university housing as well.

I didn’t know! That’s AWESOME!!!

Students truly need it for the closeness of safety and traversing of the campus.

They go to the boot a lot, and they need a good safe place to stay.

When I was there, SoPA students weren’t allowed to have dorms on campus.

Thank God Tulane students have housing now, they TRULY need it, especially with all the junkies and idiots setting up tents at waterfronts.

When I was there, I talked to a lot of students abou landlords, and all but two girls told me that all of the landlords treat the students like garbage and take advantage of them, called slumlords. Ask anyone in uptown NOLA and they’ll tell you.

I have to reopen my case against suing a slumlord, that the judge hasn’t reviewed my evidence yet.

Greg Nichols from Tulanes TULAP reviewed my case with me and my father, and he asked about housing and said “so they’re essentially throwing all of the students to the slumlords?”. I said “yeah, I guess, I don’t know what they’re doing.”.

So maybe something good came from that conversation. :slight_smile: