Tulane University Early Decision / Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Do you mind sharing stats? The Tulane admissions counselor that visited my daughter’s school said the new dean of admissions has decided they will not be filling the class with as many early kids as in years past and instead will be accepting more than they previously accepted outside of ED. Hope you’re one of them!


What @BelleSat said. We sat for an info session and the AO made nearly the exact same pitch.


He had a 3.68 test optional. He will continue to show interest as it’s his dream school


Same here.

And prepare your EA son for the opportunity to switch to ED2 as Tulane handles many of their EA applicants that way. They will give you a small window over Holiday break to decide. It’s a hard decision but if Tulane really is where they want to be then ED2 is worth it. Very stressful decision IMHO.

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These variables may not be the same this cycle. Tulane has both a new Dean of and Director of Admissions this year. The new Dean in particular has very different ideas on approach than his predecessor.


I’m hoping that’s the case. Maybe it’s not as difficult as previous years in the later rounds :pray:t2:

According to their blog, they are not going to announce EA acceptances until January 15!
How will this help kids who may want to switch to ED2?


They say Jan. 15 is the latest date students will hear but are planning for earlier just like ED which came out 2 weeks before their latest date. All of their virtual info sessions have said that they anticipate students will hear before the ED2 deadline of Jan. 13.

I agree. It will be interesting to see if the approach changes. I wasn’t keen on how everything went 2 years ago. Just felt a bit like bait and switch and it must have been super stressful for parents with Fin Aid needs. EA converted into ED2 starts that whole conversation over again.

Interesting and I agree. That model would not have worked 2 years ago as they had Holiday break to think it over. I wonder how they will handle that. Seems like a 2 day turn around if you receive your EA deferral on the 13th to ED2 really plays on a student’s emotional state.

My daughter too! Over the moon!


Congrats to you!

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And to you. My D will be a junior next year but she is very much enjoying her experience at Tulane.

Does anyone know if they rejected anyone or if anyone actually got spring scholars?

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I know of at least two kids that got spring scholar.

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I know of one kid that got spring scholar and another that got deferred to RD.

My son applied EA to Tulane (yes, even after knowing the comically low acceptance rate from last year’s EA pool) and he received an email from Tulane recently with the title “Admitted ED and now committed to another university? Please let us know”.

Is this a standard email others who have applied EA are receiving?

And for those who know anything about Tulane having asked EA applicants in the past to convert their applications from EA to ED2 how soon do these types of letters go out and what is the likelihood of being offered admission if a student decides to do the conversion?

Thanks !

I know of one kid that was offered spring scholar.

My daughter applied EA this year and we received the same letter regarding the Admitted ED’s. I also saw that they posted it on social media as well.

I have heard mixed reviews from others regarding the moving from EA to ED. One would assume if asked to do so you would get in but I have seen equal amounts of people say that after moving from EA to ED their kid did not get in to those whose kid did get in.