Today I want to address a few key issues that seem to be on your minds based on my reading of the blogs.
Restoration of our campuses: This process begins today as we clear away the debris and assess, secure and remediate damage to our buildings and grounds. Fortunately, the physical damage to our campuses was not nearly as extensive as it was to the rest of the city. I am happy to report that our National Primate Center in Covington, La. is already functioning under near normal conditions. Several of our University College satellite campuses should also be functional in a matter of weeks. We expect that the Elmwood and Biloxi, Mississippi campuses could be among the first to open.
Spring semester: Based on what we know today, we will be open for classes for the spring 2006 semester. I know that a number of students elected not to enroll in other colleges/universities this fall and want to return to the campus and city as soon as possible. We will try to facilitate this possibility.
Interacting with us: You will be able to interact with us through the use of call centers, the internet and phone either later this week or early next week. These capabilities require effective communications and staffing, neither of which we have had since the storm. However, as we gather in Houston and organize all those who have offered to volunteer time, we will be able to increase our outreach capabilities.
Tuition and transfer credit related issues: As I mentioned in Saturdays audio message, we know you have many questions and we are in the process of establishing the communication mechanisms (see above) needed for you to contact us. However, I can assure you we will resolve these issues in a fair and equitable manner, and know you will extend that same courtesy to us. This is a time for patience, trust and goodwill.
In the meantime, please email your questions to: We will do our best to answer them. I will provide another update at noon CST tomorrow.
<p>There are some very positive reports on the Tulane Student Blog, which can be accessed via the "new" tulane website. One student was in the area today, helping his/her father's medical team and reports on very good conditions uptown and around Tulane, as well as many areas with power restored, roads passable etc.
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>Online chat again this evening. My spirits are always lifted when we hear from Dr. Cowen on the website or the live chats. Look for details on Tulane's spring term this coming week. President Cowen says the plans include some lagniappe.</p>
PRONUNCIATION: ln-yp, lnyp
NOUN: Chiefly Southern Louisiana & Mississippi ... An extra or unexpected gift or benefit.
ETYMOLOGY: Louisiana French, from American Spanish la ñapa, the gift :...(variant of yapa, gift, from Quechua, from yapay, to give more).
...The word came into the rich Creole dialect mixture of New Orleans and there acquired a French spelling. It is still used in the Gulf states, especially southern Louisiana, to denote a little bonus that a friendly shopkeeper might add to a purchase. By extension, it may mean an extra or unexpected gift or benefit. from American Heritage Dictionary online
<p>Son attended the town hall meeting at SMU with Dr. Cowen this afternoon. A lot of questions were answered and son came home feeling very ready to get back to New Orleans. He has had a very good experience with his profs at SMU, but there's just something about Tulane that's drawing him back.</p>
<p>Thanks, cty. I didn't know there was such a blog, but will look for it. Perhaps you could post a link. One thing I didn't know, but which made me very proud, was that Tulane will be opening its doors to students from Xavier, Dillard etc. Just as our kids were welcomed with open arms by the higher education community around the world, Tulane will be returning the favor to these students whose institutions may not be able to recover as nimbly as Tulane. A beautiful example of What Goes Around Comes Around. IMO.</p>
<p>Couldn't find the mom blog, so will appreciate a link when you have the chance.</p>