Tulane vs. U of M Twin Cities - Neuroscience

Looks like my DS is down to deciding between Tulane and the University of MN Twin Cities for a Neuroscience major. Any thoughts on how the 2 compare as far as their Neuroscience departments? Any other major considerations that swayed your students either way? (weather is not a concern for my DS, he’s lived in both extremes)

Thanks for any helpful advice!

How big are the departments? The number of PHD students might suggest research opportunities.

Similar cost for you? Pretty different experiences.

Has your kid visited both schools? I would imagine that after walking on each campus, a person would have a strong preference one way or the other with respect to these two schools.


Yes, he has visited both and we are visiting both again in the next 2 weeks. He became a big fan of New Orleans when he visited the first time. I think it will come down to how he feels about the Neuroscience programs at both now, as he wants early research, access to professors, etc. The cost does vary, with MN coming in lower than Tulane, of course.

I can’t speak knowledgeably about their neuroscience programs, so hopefully he’ll get a good sense of them during his visits.

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