Two Interviews?

<p>Okay, I am in kind of a weird situation here, and I would really appreciate your opinions on it.</p>

<p>Earlier this week, I had my alumni interview. Two days later, I got an e-mail from a man who says he has "been asked to interview me in connection with my application to Harvard." So, is it customary to have applicants do two alumni interviews? Personally, I am inclined to be suspicious of this second interviewer, for a couple of reasons:</p>

<pre><code> 1.) I already had a Harvard interview.
2.) This guy just e-mailed me out of the blue. For my alumni interview, the Admissions Office contacted me and gave me the name and contact info of my interviewer and told me it was my responsibility to initiate communication with her. This new guy, on the other hand, not only initiated contact with me, but also, I have not received anything directly from Harvard telling me about this other interview.

<p>What do you make of this? Is it possible that this is some other type of interview (i.e., not an alumni interview, but an interview with a regional representative or something)? Has this happened to anyone else?</p>

<p>call Harvard and ask them;check this out to make sure the guy isn’t some evil predator or something (unlikely, I know).</p>

<p>Hmm… call Harvard =)</p>

<p>I had a second interview when I was applying, but the second man was actually the regional coordinator of alumni interviews in my area, and he said that the previous interview provided insufficient data. It is definitely strange to get approached for a second interview without him referencing the first, though, it could be the director messed up the assignments. Nonetheless, check up on this.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks so much guys!</p>

<p>The exact same thing happened to me! I gave the second interviewer the contact information of the first interiewer over the phone and apparently the issue was resolved.</p>

<p>^ This new guy didn’t even give me any of his contact info, except obviously, that I could see his e-mail address. I e-mailed him back and told him that I’d be happy to do an interview, but at the end I asked if it was customary for applicants to do two interviews and explained that I had already had one alumni interview. This was a couple days ago, and I haven’t heard back from him, so if he doesn’t contact me again, I guess I have nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>When you say “apparently” the issue was resolved, does this mean that the second interviewer never contacted you again?</p>

<p>The second interviewer told me that he’d call me back if I did indeed need to have the interview again but that he would not call me back if the issue was resolved. It’s been a week and I haven’t heard back, so I am assuming that it was resolved.</p>