Two Letters of Recommendation in the Same Dept?

<p>I'm planning on majoring in international studies or history in college. My GC said that, because of this, it'd be ok for me to ask both my APUSH teacher and my foreign policy teacher (both of whom know me pretty well and would write great LoRs). What are your feelings on this? Would it be better for me to ask my English teacher in place of one of the other teachers? Thanks!</p>

<p>Ask for letters of recommendation from the two teachers you feel would best describe you. From your post, these two are your APUSH and f.p. teachers. Ask them!</p>

<p>It’s completely okay! Just make sure each of these teachers will bring something new to your plate to help you in admissions. It tends to get annoying when teachers say the same things as the other teachers about you in their recs.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help! I’m going to double check with the head GC in my school, but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna ask the two of them. Thanks!</p>