Two Majors on Pre-App: Hurt? Help? Help!!

<p>So I'm filling out my Pre-App, la di da.</p>

<p>When the question of "Would you like to pursue a single undergraduate degree, but with a second major in the same school or in another one of our schools?" Comes up.</p>

<p>Now, I want to double major in poli-sci and theatre.</p>

<p>Will checking "yes" hurt me at all?</p>

<p>I'm an Asian(Indian)-American, by the way.</p>

<p>There is no "wrong answer" to this question so how you respond is not going to hurt your chances of admission. According to their mailings and brochures, WashU encourages double majors so I think you can answer that question any way you like. It's not binding, anyway, the college isn't going to hold you to what you put down on the pre-app. My S, for example, turned his pre-app in early, in July, before visiting in August before senior year in HS. On the pre-app, he wrote that he was interested in various humanities majors, perhaps the integrated humanities program. By the time he visited, he'd changed his mind and put down something else entirely on the form they ask you to fill out before the interview (this time it was philosophy-neuroscience-psychology PNP program). Apparently didn't matter at all. He applied RD and was accepted. What matters more is what you have to show them in the rest of the application.</p>

<p>Okay, thank you very much for answering!</p>