Washu supplement form question!!!!

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>So i was filling out the supplement form for Washu and i noticed that you can apply for a dual major from two different school eg: engineering AND school of arts and science. Is it more strategic in term of applying to put the dual major program as your number one choice? or would it be more beneficial to just apply to one school as your top choice eg: engineering?</p>


<p>I know you’re looking for the “what’s the best strategy” advice, but it’s this: be yourself. Honestly. WashU cares a great deal about matching up and making the perfect fit. If you and your resume show an aptitude for engineering and whatever, let’s say art, then choose those two. If you really prefer to major in one area and minor in something completely different, say that. It does help to explain your interests by what you’d like to major in, but don’t over-think this.</p>

<p>alright yea i think your right, limabeans. washu is all about help finding your passions and they are unbelievably flexible when it comes to dual majors. im a math/science junkie, so an interest towards engineering and math (from the arts and science school) makes complete sense probably to the applicant reader.
thanks so much i really appreciate your response:)</p>