Two Questions about Applications

<p>Hey folks!</p>

<p>I just have a few things that I need to clear up before I work in earnest to get my Harvard app done.</p>

<p>First of all, I have asked three teachers (quite a while ago) to do recommendations for me. The one from my English teacher, with whom I have a pretty close relationship, will be used for sure. But my French and my Biology teachers have both written letters for me as well, and I don't know who to ask for the second one to send. My Biology teacher is kind of hard to decipher... he doesn't get close with too many of the students but he has done a recommendation for me before with which I got a really selective internship (a lot of other kids also asked him for letters). My French teacher probably loves me, and I'd like to believe that I'm one of her best students.</p>

<p>I'm looking to go into Biology and eventually Medicine, so my question is, would it matter a lot which teacher I ask for my second rec letter? For girls, I've heard that they are advantaged if a sciences teacher sends a rec... is this true?</p>

<p>My second question: I am just starting this research project that I am really passionate about, but obviously since it isn't finished, I won't be able to submit a research supplement for it. Would a research proposal (which had to be approved by a committee of researchers) suffice for the supplement?</p>

<p>Thank you guys so much for your help and comments! Good luck to you all on the long, arduous road to getting into your dream school!</p>

<li><p>Go for Bio teacher, unless you strongly feel French teacher really knows you better.</p></li>
<li><p>Don’t know…ask your college guidance counselor.</p></li>

<p>Thanks for your input! Anyone else?</p>

<p>I have written recommendations for three of my French students for Harvard. All three got in (in the past). I would pick the one who knows you best and is clearly able to express his/her opinion in writing.</p>

<p>It’s a hard choice. My son had a recommendation from his Latin teacher and he did get accepted. His other one was from his AP physics teacher. You might ask your GC - at some schools the GC will see copies of the letters and can give you an opinion if one is better or not. I don’t think it matters too much what your prospective major is, unless your biology teacher can speak to something you’ve done over and beyond the curriculum.</p>