Two questions that are bothering me: interviews and listing resumes/AP scores/awards

<p>Okay so I turned in my Part I AND Part II on Saturday night (Nov 1st)....actually now that I think of it, technically like 4AM EST Nov 2nd (I live on the West Coast).</p>

<p>One of my friends told me that I have no chance of getting an interview anymore since I turned in Part 2 so late. She advised me to switch to regular. But I DON'T WANT to switch to regular. So what do you think my chances are of getting an interview? Do you think I'll just get deferred automatically to regular if I don't get one in time? Or could I maybe waive the interview?</p>

<p>Next question: I messed up my app. I didn't put down "special skills". So I emailed the wonderful, lovely Georgetown admissions office with a list of skills. I also decided as long as I was contacting them, might as well make the most of it. I attached my resume including my activities, a list of my AP scores, and the fact that I am a National Merit Semifinalist.</p>

<p>I received an email response saying the admissions office has received my information.</p>

<p>Was this a mistake? Does it make me look arrogant? I don't want to be arrogant, but I felt the Georgetown app didn't have a place for me to show best what I've accomplished in high school. Is this because they're giving more weight to the essays or was there a way to attach a resume that I overlooked?</p>

<p>I would email admissions and ask about the first question. As for the second question, a lot of people send resumes. I did, I don’t know if they looked at it, but I got in.</p>

<p>You were able to turn in Part II for early action until Nov. 3, so I think you’re okay. But I think my son had the same problem—the application gives very little space to list awards, honors, and extracurriculars. I am not sure why they do that. He will be sending more information to them, although I don’t know if it will help for Early Action. Good luck to you, hannahmontana!</p>