Two Suspensions..College Chances?

<p>Hi, I'm a junior in high school and recently I have received two out of school suspensions, each of them for two days.
The first suspension was because of usage of alcohol during a school trip (it was only for one night and it was the first time I drank; but we got unlucky and got caught), and the second one was because of "attempting" academic dishonesty. I forgot to bring something from a classroom so I went to the classroom during lunch. Nobody was there, and I was tempted to search for the recent test I took.
Anyways, I am extremely worried about how my college admission chances will change after these two incidents. I am planning to write a very thorough explanation letter about the incidents to all the colleges I apply to, but I am still worried that I wouldn't get into the colleges that I really want.
I did not do well in my freshman and sophomore year, but in junior year I have a GPA of over 4.0 because of my three APs. If I calculate my accumulative GPA from freshman year to junior year, it is about 3.9. I have not taken the SAT 1 yet but I'm aiming for over 2250. I have taken SAT2 Math 2c (800) and biology E (760). I took AP biology (5) and this year I took AP US history, AP Micro/Macro Econ, and AP Calculus AB. Next year I'm taking 4 APs: AP Calculus BC, AP Physics, AP Chemistry, and AP English Literature. I think I'm also going to take another SAT2.
As for my extra curricular activities, I have been in varsity volleyball for two years, NHS for three years, and I was the officer of the MUN club this year (I got revoked from this position after the second suspension but I'm still continuing with my MUN career since I have already been chosen as a chair in several conferences).
I was planning to apply to Tufts early decision (major undecided). Do I still have a shot for Tufts?</p>

<p>Yes, you should definitely write a letter explaining your suspensions. However, the tone shouldn’t be “I was unlucky to get caught” or “I was tempted to search for a recent test I took”. No, no, no! The admission people would look at that and say you still don’t get it. (That is, you’d still do those things if you knew you wouldn’t get caught.) </p>

<p>Fact is this: you did it. No one cares if you were “unlucky” or that you were “tempted”. There are many temptations in life (think Arnold Schwartzenagger or Monica Lewinsky or the snake’s apple), but that doesn’t mean you have to submit to those. Be better than that!</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, I know someone at Tufts who was expelled from their high school (and then changed high schools) for similar reasons. Don’t worry, all hope isn’t lost. Granted, you will definitely want to show the admissions officers how and why you’ve changed and learned from that experience.</p>

<p>When you say “recently,” do you mean that both of these suspensions happened while you were a junior?</p>

<p>Ehh… For someone so smart, you sure can be dumb. Explain it as best as you can, but don’t highlight the issue, act as sorry as you can. Alternatively, for the drinking offrnse, you could tell them it was a Friday night and your following of Judaism requires you to drink wine (aasuming your school doesn’t give a detailed support of what actually happened). Pretty smart, I think. Of course you’d still need to act sorry, but anyway. Hah, I was only halfway joking about all that, I suppose it could actually work(: all is not lost though, by any means.</p>

<p>Sometimes changing schools relieves some of this…as the tufts example above. However if u stay at your current school I think 2 suspensions will hurt at schools with very competitive admissions. </p>

<p>To protect yourself u need to also apply to schools that admit largely bt stats…just in case.</p>

<p>Even with some pretty serious damage control, two suspensions is a little suspect. One mistake is somewhat understandable, depending on the scope, but two makes you wonder what you learned from the first one. </p>

<p>Your best bet is to have your GC explain it in his/her rec and briefly explain the episodes and what you learned from them (sans excuses) in the Additional Information section of the Common App.</p>

<p>“Attempting academic dishonesty” and “tempted to search for the recent test”? The way you phrase it, you’re deflecting all personal responsibility, like it was just a natural, uncontrollable urge you had. Own up and take responsibility. If you write like that in your essays, you’re not going to be getting a lot of acceptances back.</p>

<p>This is the question you will have to answer when applying to Common App schools (including Tufts). Schools that don’t use the Common App generally ask for the same information. Your guidance counselor will also be asked.</p>

<p>Do not even be tempted to lie or shade the facts. </p>


<p>Disciplinary History</p>

<li><p>Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution you have attended from 9th grade (or the international equivalent)
forward, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in your probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from
the institution? Yes No</p></li>
<li><p>[similar question re: criminal offenses]</p></li>

<p>If you answered “yes” to either or both questions, please attach a separate sheet of paper that gives the approximate date of each incident, explains the circumstances, and</p>

<h2>reflects on what you learned from the experience.</h2>

<p>Because you have two errors of judgment to explain, you will need to devote time to carefully preparing this response and then tweaking it with input from your guidance counselor and parents. Note the “what you learned from the experience” requirement–this is the most important piece. </p>

<p>As a very general rule, an incident involving drugs or alcohol will pose less concern than an incident involving dishonesty, whether cheating, theft of property or other. </p>

<p>You need to talk with your guidance counselor about overall application strategy in view of these two black marks on your presentation. An experienced GC may have an opinion regarding school-specific things you can/should do to try to overcome these negatives, e.g., an appropriate teacher recommendation, an extracurricular activity you should pursue (a certain club or organization, Honor Code committee, peer tutoring–something that, if sincerely pursued, would enhance the “what you learned from the experience” piece and demonstrate your commitment to lead a life of honesty and integrity), etc. Hopefully, you have already realized a personal need to take corrective action and immersed yourself in activities designed to help you develop character.</p>

<p>Hunt) yes. both as a junior</p>