<p>So what are your plans from now until M10? Are you excited, nervous, a sweaty wreck, or some sort of combination thereof?</p>
<p>All ye trolls that enter will be murdered in an extremely brutal fashion and fed to my fire-breathing dragon! YE BE WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Combo of nervous and excited. More nervous.</p>
<p>Plans, though… working hard and playing hard. As always.</p>
<p>aren’t you hyper, lol.
all of the above. :)</p>
<p>A combination of impatience and excitement. OMG m10 must come NOW!</p>
<p>I try to forget it. Not successfully, of course (as you can see by my 66 posts and counting. They’re like contractions, they get closer together and more numerous the closer we get to the “due date”. lol.). I will load up on the NyQuil the night before, though. I don’t think theres any other way I could sleep on M9.</p>
<p>i wish i could wake up tomorrow and it was march 10th. 
and lol izzy, i’ll need lots of sleeping pillss as well.</p>
<p>maybe some of my dad’s meds, too. I could use less anxiety…</p>
<p>lol, bad idea unless they’re on the counter pills.</p>
<p>i just got a first class letter from deerfield, my mouth literally dropped. it was just a science thing though, lol. i actually hung the letter up on my bulletin board for good luck because i think the envelopes may be similar, lol.</p>
<p>hahaha escape that’s a little weird. Maybe YOU need some meds. We all do. We’re just obsessive, crazed CCers. Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I’m not craaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy</p>
<p>decisions won’t be available until later in the day m10. 3pm for most schools. 9am for many. 6pm for some. I’m checking 12 at midnight on m11. tuesdays are cursed.</p>
<p>i know i do need some meds, i’m obsessive. 
my lucky number is 13. 3/10 = march 10th 1 and 3 put together is 13. 3/10/09 3+1+9=13 that’s got to be a good sign. plus i’m currently 13. :)</p>
<p>why are tuesdays cursed?</p>
<p>i know</p>
<p>oh and look up “Charlie the Unicorn 2: The Banana King” on youtube. it’s soooooo funny</p>
<p>there’s a new one! yayyyy.
i’ll go check it.</p>
<p>till March 10th, I have:</p>
<p>10 ballet classes
9 days of school
1 birthday party
1 speech tournament
58 hours and 30 minutes of classes
2 piano lessons</p>
<p>5 more frappachinos to go!!!</p>
<p>UGH… </p>
<p>is anyone else constantly thinking about March 10th like I am? I’m like so anxious!!</p>
<p>actually, -13 is a lucky number. Because 13 is an UNlucky number. </p>
<p>but march 15 is a lucky day, at least for nerds. (3/15= 3.15= Pi)</p>
<p>Haha, suckers… International applicants like me get email decisions in the early AM of March 10!!!</p>
<p>by the way, I love Charlie the Unicorn!! Type in “my spoon’s too big” in the search bar, the video is pointless, but it made me crack up :)</p>
<p>ooooh intl apps get it early!!! yes!!!1 so glad I live in Canada (for the first time in my life)!!!</p>
<p>will do, lolli.</p>
<p>13 is my lucky number, at least, as long as march 10th adds up to it. :P</p>
<p>i envy you ring. :(</p>