<p>Hey, I was wondering what questions I could expect at a typical interview.
I'm applying to Exeter, St. Paul's and Holderness.
94% reading
96% verbal
99% math
98% overall</p>
<p>I see and hear
“What did you do this summer?”
“Describe your after-school activities”
“What is your favorite and least favorite subject, and why?”
“Why would you like to attend ________?”</p>
<p>IDK. I wouldn’t worry too much about the interview, unless it’s by phone (I suck at phone conversations!). Just be yourself and try not to sound scripted :P</p>
<p>what books have you read recently</p>
<p>Check out this thread, which also has useful links:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-parents/604243-interview-questions.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/prep-school-parents/604243-interview-questions.html</a></p>
<p>when are you the most proud?-exeter</p>
<p>phone conversations are easiest for me. i don’t get nervous and i never stop talking, cause, well, i like talking about myself</p>
<p>thanks good advice:)</p>
<p>i would start thinking about “why did you decide to apply to boarding school”</p>
<p>yea thats a toughie. i would say education and cause i get to live on my own</p>
<p>but the live on my own is not a good thing</p>
<p>im referring to hotchkissjin’s comment but shes ahead of me cause of time differences</p>
<p>One of the things I would include in my interview would be that I hope to have an unforgettable high school experience at _____ academy. Also, you have to show a passion for wanting to go to an academy. Hope this helps!</p>
<p>The very first question that the interviewer at Exeter asked me was: describe where you live. </p>
<p>It really threw me off. It was my third interview and I hadn’t gotten a question like that. I didn’t know if he wanted to know about my town, family, school, where I go after school,…
I don’t think that was my best interview :(</p>
<p>aww it’s okay star27</p>
<p>Make sure you have a list of questions to ask the interviewer. They don’t want to do all of the asking and when you ask a question, it shows an interest in the school.</p>
<p>I had the most amazing Exeter interview, and my Choate was awesome also.
The Exeter guy asked a bunch of very deep questions, which really made me think. He was super cool, and a millionaire alumni. I had the interview on the top floor of a skyscraper overlooking (city) and it was amazing.
My Choate interview was very casual. I just showed up at the apartment, and we just kinda talked. But it went really well. Eventually, the interview was over, and they said that I could stop talking like I was in an interview. They kept offering me wine and stuff. We went to dinner afterward, and they even drove me back to my school. (I don’t live in America)
I have a Deerfield phone interview coming up. Has anyone had one?</p>
<p>scubasteve, where do you live? thats sounds really cool.</p>
The Exeter alumni was an ex-fighter pilot, Georgetown and Harvard graduate, and ran a huge company. So pretty much led my dream life.</p>
<p>he asked u to drink wine. like w-t-f?? is that normal in israel? u refused, right? it was probably a test to see if you would take it and if you did, it would definitely be on the interview sheet</p>
<p>No…its casual in a lot of places outside america. I can go anywhere in Europe and get a drink at 16…</p>
<p>I don’t drink. But it is not that big of a deal. Like he said, different culture. I was just in Greece staying with a friend. And at every meal her mother or family offered me wine/beer/whiskey/ect… but I don’t drink. It is just a matter of culture</p>