U. Chicago Class of 2027 Official Thread

Agree there are essay consultants dime a dozen charging $$$ to write the right tea leaves for the tea leaf readers. Any successful person should work towards the metrics they are asked to focus on. Just saying I got all Bs but in 20 years I will cure cancer, really :slight_smile: Point is give students metrics and not just some arbitrary measurement on what a right student is. Banks used to do this exact same thing. This business has the best profits/cash flow/growth (objective metrics) but we think this owner is not our right customer type. There are now lending regulations for fair lending. There are zero regulations on college admissions, but they are subsidized by tax payers through federal loans, grants, research support and tax free status. Sunshine is needed on the whole process.


Hey folks, back to U Chicago results please…


… did anyone else get in?

The reason I come and check here on a yearly basis is because y’all have it way, way too tough these days. Kudos to those who got in, and I swear, if ya didn’t or your children didn’t, it is a massive waste of your time to find excuses to grumble about it because it’s gonna be okay in the long run and the long run starts sooner than you think. There are great college experiences to be had everywhere. (Just don’t underestimate how valuable it is to get good grades in college.)


Clearly we get each other’s perspectives, yet never the twain shall meet. I wish you and your child the best, as I have from day one. I just think this is not exactly the forum to tear down a process that selected some kids, including mine, because you are having understandable feelings about yours. It makes me sad to think other applicants will come back to this thread and may hear the message that they should be viewed as nothing more than a series of hard factors, a collection of stats, a transcript, or rank. This does not seem like the right place to be parking that kind of rhetoric. What I have learned from many years of my kids testing into “gifted” schools is that giftedness (a term that I don’t at all love) comes in so many forms and that there are always going to be kids smarter, more acoomplished on some metric, and I learned from living in a very big city, there are going to be a lot of them. We know tons of amazing, amazing kids. So, I learned not to compare. And maybe because I live in NYC where applciations to public kindergarten, middle and high schools are competitive, I have learned that the ton of amazing kids get sorted and resorted - and often they end up in the same place anyway (kids who beat my kid out for a spot at X school, ended up later with him at Y school, and now, they are all off to Z college). No hard feelings. I hope we can focus on the Class of 2027 without the recurrent messaging here about the process that selected those in it having somehow picked inferior candidates. Now, as the parent of a student in class of 2025, are there questions we can answer for you? Happy to be of help, if I can.

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Plenty of valedictorians and salutatorians filled up my undergrad classes and again in med school. They were everywhere and were/are highly successful. As are plenty who were never val/sal. It is hyperbole to suggest that somehow being at the top means risk -averse and having no outside activities or personality, and are somehow less desired by admissions.

Back to UChicago: WL offer happened (counselor was contacted over a week ago) …and in the end decided not to pursue it. Happy with other admits(still deciding ) but it is a fantastic place for sure, and it was really nice to “be wanted” and have the opportunity.

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There’s a thread to vent about UC decisions. Seems like there should be one for all of the highly rejective schools, U Chicago included.

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Did anyone else get in?

Did you get in of class of 2028?

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I just heard of another WL offer.




I got a reply to my LOCI that complimented specific details within the letter— did anyone else receive this or should I take it as a sign for anything? I know anything with this school is such a long shot but it was a nice response


probably a good thing but idk. When did u send loci and when did they reply with that?

sent it april 4th and heard back april 5th, why?

yes, received offer yesterday noon to co28. co27 is now closed.

@lucy_price take this as a good sign, i received a similar response before getting an offer.

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Congratulations! are you an international student?

How do you know co27 is closed !

AO said so


Congrats! I’m also CA, do you mind if I ask if you’re from the East Bay region?