U. Colorado Class of 2027 Official Thread

No word here

EHP decisions out this morning… DS accepted.


Congratulations. Is anyone familiar with Norton Scholars? Is it a little selective? Can I also do a RAP? I put a RAP as my first choice dorm so I don’t think I can change that and I am interested in both. Thank you for any insights.

This is my question, too. The scholarships website says early April. Just logged in to the BuffPortal to see whether S23 has received any scholarships but nothing yet. He’d like to commit to a school within the next few days and we’re trying to see if we can swing CU (he received no merit).

I attended a financial aid zoom session last week. They said the scholarships will be released on April 15th. They also said they would only contact those who were awarded money. No contact means no award. They are not letting people know they were not picked.

I did hear from Norlin Scholars that I was selected. By email early this last week. Are you waiting to hear on this or the Presidential Award?

I was speaking about scholarships included in general application and some very specific ones that closed their application window on March 15th.
Not eligible for any need based aid.

And congratulations! That’s wonderful!

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Thanks for sharing this. I called the scholarships office today to get precisely this information and the kid (very clearly a student employee) was like, “just keep checking your email, if he gets a scholarship, they’ll email him.”

I told him that my son was hoping to decide on a school soon, so having a firm date to know about scholarships would be useful info and “we’ll let you know” is just too squishy for us. He said, “I understand, but that’s just how we do it at this school.” Did not leave me with the best impression.

Coddling applicants at a highly popular state U is rarely done. There are ten in line behind you who are lower maintenance. Just life at the highly popular flagship. If you want lots of personal attention–any middling private school not in a popular large city would love to call you daily.

Asking for a date when scholarships will be announced so that we can determine whether we can make an expensive OOS university work is coddling? What are you, a Marine drill sergeant? :laughing:

If you read the threads from other big state Us, some have the same answer - "we don’t know exactly when the scholarship info is coming out, but soon and keep checking your email. " The UF has a very helpful administrator on the thread (not a student), and that was her answer (‘in about 2 weeks, and we’ll let you know’).

Why don’t they have an exact date? Snow storms, computer issues, wanting to double and triple check, having students decline the admissions spot and wanting to reissue that scholarship (good for those still in the running), 10k accepted students all wanting to know if they got a scholarship.


No just a boomer who took care of his own college stuff including FAFSA. Parents were recent immigrants who had no clue about colleges. It worked out OK. But we also hitched across country BITD so maybe we were just a little more independent/fearless. 1000 miles from home.

A lot of the websites with college info only list the net price and not the full fee price. And yes they were not so different in price from state schools. What were these fantastic sounding net price options maybe we could do it? So I played around with the price calculators. I would be paying $200k over the 4 years for the exact same education as the other students would be getting and over what CU would cost. It was pretty eye opening how discounted tuition is. I am not wealthy and I wasn’t plugging in anything close to poverty level incomes either. Some of the smaller private schools did offer her discounts of $20k a year. Thats still 30k a year more than CU. She doesn’t even know what she wants to do :smiley:. At least it makes deciding easy for us there are only 2 good in-state options . Go Buffs! Enjoy your options

Would like to know when/if anyone hears about any scholarships … recipients should be hearing any day now.

Has anyone whose kid has accepted CU’s offer of admission heard anything about setting up their email or anything about freshman orientation yet? Thanks.

Someone asked earlier in the year about CU football tickets. Just wanted to say that I got an email today that student tickets are available as of July 11. It looks like those are for returning students and if so, there would be some held back for freshmen to buy later but I think both groups will be limited (and they haven’t been in the past).

BUT - Season tickets for the general public sold out in the spring. They don’t sell every ticket as a season ticket. There were individual game tickets sold to season ticket holders and for group ticket purchases. They are a hot commodity. As an example, in 2019 a group of us bought tickets to the Nebraska game (a friend has season tickets so she has a friend in the ticket office). We bought 50 and there wasn’t an issue. This year, Nebraska is the opening game, first home game with coach Prime. We wanted 8 tickets but she could only buy 6 (individual) or at lease 10 for a group, so she went with 10. In 2019 the tickets were $100. This year? $185, and they are in a higher section.

So to all you freshmen, welcome. And get on it for tickets! Run Ralphie Run