U Miami vs. FSU honors

<p>Right now I'm deciding between U Miami (half tuition) vs. FSU Honors (9.6k extra $ distributed among 8 semesters). </p>

<p>I intend to major in journalism and complete the require pre-med coursework. How are the pre-medical offerings at U Miami in terms of research opportunities and such? Any insight to the journalism program?</p>

<p>Also, how is the social life at U Miami?</p>

<p>I can't comment on the social life yet because I don't go there. What I do know is that the academics at UM are far greater than FSU. Its a private school with half the amount of students which means a better student:teacher ratio and they also put a lot more emphasis on research. It is easier to get a research position at UM. Come on, do you want to cheer for FSU football or UM :D</p>

<p>I may be wrong, but based on what a FSU student told me, FSu doesn't have Journalism. I know Miami has Journalism and Broadcast Journalism.</p>

<p>well yeah, FSU has no journalism program. I'd be majoring in political science or neuroscience (I think there's a major).</p>

<p>Florida State is much better for political science.
See: [FSU</a> Highlights](<a href=“Rankings | Florida State University”>http://fsu.edu/highlights/rankings.html#socsci)</p>

<p>FSU doesn’t have Journalism, but it does have a Communications Dept. which teaches many of the same things as UM’s School of Communications:</p>

<p>[Communication</a> Dept. / Communication / FSU - College of Communication](<a href=“http://comm.fsu.edu/Communication-Dept]Communication”>http://comm.fsu.edu/Communication-Dept)</p>

<p>Gee, this thread is from like over a year ago…Did you get bored P2N? In the end, Goebbels even gave it a rest…OK, OK, I got a nice FSU news release for all you Trol…er, visitors who come to the UM board:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.fsu.edu/announce/May_letter_to_university_community.pdf[/url]”>http://www.fsu.edu/announce/May_letter_to_university_community.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Nice that your Prez TK wouldn’t sign it but the provost had to…wasn’t it last month that he “didn’t know” about some of his people (you know, whose check he signs) helping athletes cheat, with him telling the NCAA THEY were wrong? You know, the situation that makes BB cry every time he goes on one of those trips out a town and sees the old motel outside of Live Oak with the “VACANCY” sign flickering…guess somebody doesn’t want tick off their old statehouse cronies when the “state won’t step up” jab is mentioned…Funding FSU is more important then state unemployment insurance, foreclosure relief, toxic Chinese drywall and seniors on fixed incomes still being taxed out of their homes???</p>

<p>No, only that Florida State is better than U Miami for political science. :wink: </p>

<p>I think it’d be foolish to spend the extra money when you can get better for less.</p>

<p>Resurrection of threads from the dead…A PR opportunity for sure</p>

<p>Yes, FSU does have the political…TK assures that</p>

<p>I know FSU is not better, but yes, UM has less:</p>

<p>LESS Students to contend with for parking, lines, registering for classes you need to graduate</p>

<p>LESS Students in a lecture hall…the prof (Not TA) knows you</p>

<p>LESS feeling like a number </p>

<p>LESS (no…none) of those recitations taught by those grad students</p>

<p>LESS is MORE and you get what you pay for…True, its not as easy to get into as FSU, but everyone knows that</p>

<p>The University of Florida’s Journalism is the best in the State of Florida and top 10 in the country. UF’s College of Journalism and Communications has 4 radio stations and 2 TV stations: [Radio</a> & Television - College of Journalism and Communications](<a href=“http://www.jou.ufl.edu/resources/radiotv.asp]Radio”>http://www.jou.ufl.edu/resources/radiotv.asp)</p>

<p>ABC recognizes UF’s exceptionally strong Journalism and Communications programs by rewarding it (along with ONLY 4 other universities) with its own on-campus ABC mini-bureau: [University</a> of Florida News - UF students to report for national ABC News](<a href=“http://news.ufl.edu/2008/05/08/abc-news-on-campus/]University”>http://news.ufl.edu/2008/05/08/abc-news-on-campus/)</p>

<p>The University of Florida is also associated with the largest student-run newspaper in the country: [The</a> Independent Florida Alligator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Independent_Florida_Alligator]The”>The Independent Florida Alligator - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>Boy, you UF guys realy like to show how bad you all are…largest student run paper? Yeah with 52,000 of your closest friends on campus, i guess so.</p>

<p>This is an OP post from 2008…go back your own board</p>