U of Alabama NMF package changes for 2018

After seeing University of Oklahoma NMF package significantly reduced for 2018 HS graduates, I thought I would check out University of Alabama updated package for 2018. I was relieved it did not follow in OU footsteps:


It appears they did tweak it somewhat – gone is the one-time $1K technology allowance, replaced instead by $2K book scholarship ($500/year). Also, one-time $2K in summer research seems to be new (though I am not sure about that).

The only major negative change I could find relates to future engineering students – you can no longer stack $2.5K/year engineering scholarship on top of NMF package:

“Should a merit scholarship recipient be named a National Merit Finalist, their Engineering Leadership Scholarship will be replaced by the National Merit Finalist Scholarship Package.”


Feel free to let me know if I missed something.

I’m glad we got in under the wire with the stackable ENGR scholarship, but can’t really complain that they’re disallowing that in the future. :slight_smile:

There has long been (at least since 2015 grads) a 2k stipend towards either research or study abroad.

The 2k book scholarship is great and a little improvement from the 1k technology award, IMHO. More $$ and eliminates the complications of needing to use the tech award through the SUPE store. I hope they don’t require it be used at the SUPE store, though, as better pricing is often available through other sellers.

Still a very generous package!

What is out of pocket cost for OOS students for NMF students.

Costs I can think of that are not covered by the scholarship would be room (for years after freshman year only), board, course fees, book costs in excess of $500/yr, Dining Dollars, parking permit (if you have a car and want to park on campus), health insurance (if you don’t already have it) and personal and travel expenses. You’d have $3500 from the NM scholarship to apply to those costs.

The cost of off-campus housing can vary tremendously depending on where you live and what size unit you choose. The Tuscaloosa market is for 12 month leases and I’d guess that most students pay between $500-1000 a month. The mandatory freshman meal plan is around $3700; no meal plan is required beyond freshman year so you’d have whatever food costs you incurred. Course fees vary, but IIRC my daughter’s were less than $1000 a year. Books depend on your major and how frugal you can be. My daughter tended to rent or buy used and had many semesters where her book costs was less than $200. If you need access codes or new edition books, it’ll be more. Dining Dollars ($650/yr) are required, but if you don’t use them they can be refunded at the end of the school year. Parking permits are a few hundred a year, and personal and travel expenses will vary by individual.

DRAT - I missed that you can no longer stack engineering scholarship. Darn it. Totally get it, but drat. Going to adjust my spreadsheet…!

I just scratched Bama off the spreadsheet!

How did OU’s national merit package change? I received a letter from OU detailing the amount of money they give to finalists and it seemed to be a tremendous amount of money.

@warrenbass I haven’t seen the specifics for the incoming 2018 NMF freshmen, but the package previously included $4200 first year housing scholarship $2,000 research/study abroad and $2,000 books/technology stipends, plus a full tuition waiver for 5 years, both in and out of state. (These are the scholarship components that have been said to be changed or removed.) How does that compare to what is offered in the letter?

@FSUdad93, it sounds like you crossed off Bama because they no longer offer a full ride to NMFs. They haven’t in quite some time. While not a full ride, it’s still pretty generous:

There’s also the Presidential Elite, but the competition is pretty stiff there: https://scholarships.ua.edu/types/elite.php

I’m sure your student can get a full ride at other schools if he has the right stats, but I’d keep every affordable school in the mix so he feels like he has a range of choices. And I would think if you’re residing in Florida you have some pretty hard-to-beat options.

I know your son is hoping for Harvard to meet your full need, and good luck, but with an admissions rate at 5% that’s a long-shot for most students!

$5,500 is now offered per year for fees, books, room and board
$1,500 technology/textbook allowance
$1,500 research/study abroad stipend

@WImom94 the five year tuition waiver is still applicable

@warrenbass Thanks for the reply! Current students NM students also receive the $5,500 per year, I forgot to list that in my first post. So, incoming 2018 NM freshmen will still receive a 5 year full tuition waiver, both in state and out of state? Some had previously suggested this component was significantly reduced. Our D is so happy at OU, I hope it is a school others seriously consider.

@WImom94 Interesting. So the main thing that changed is the $4200 first year housing scholarship? I know for sure that non-residents have a five year tuition waiver. I’ll definitely contact you if I have any questions about OU! I’m glad your daughter likes it.

The first year housing allowance is still part of the NMF scholarship.

@warrenbass, @2015pop The first year housing allowance is no longer part of the package for NMFs at OU beginning next fall. In addition, the 5 year tuition waiver is for OOS students and waives the out of state portion. Out of state students will pay the resident tuition rate but there is a $2,000 tuition scholarship for up to 5 years. Here is the link to the out of state package beginning the fall of 2018: https://ou.edu/content/dam/recruitment/downloads/NMpackage_2018_NonRes.pdf

Sorry, didn’t realize we were discussing OU’s package. I was referring to UA.

Bama just upper their merit finalist package. Four years of free room not just one!
I’d put it back on the list if you haven’t decided yet.