u of arizona or Asu for business

<p>I am directly admitted to WP Carey at ASU but I hear Eller is also a good business school. Which one is honestly better? </p>

<p>Carey at ASU is big really big, in terms of students, ASU is poor on advising, if you are a self motivated, disciplined students ASU may work, but Eller is smaller, with less $$$ for sure, but the students the graduate are I believe on average stronger than ASU. You’ll meet alot more ASU grads, often in Real estate, you’ll meet fewer Eller grads but they have a sense of confidence and ability I feel is lacking at ASU. UofA is a great school, ASU is good and is very easy for Phoenix based students to graduate from. You cannot get admitted to Eller directly, but rather have to apply in your second year, that way Eller does discrimiate as to who is admitted, ASU will oth admit you directly.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. What do most eller kids typically major in and what career/jobs is the biggest for them? For example at ASU I know it’s supply chain management </p>

<p>ASU does a great job in supply mgnt and I know a few grad who have gotten great internships in Tech and Mining and gone onto good careers, if that’s what you want great, its a relatively new field so ASU got the advantage early with their program.<br>
Eller grads I believe do not bunch in any one major, I think most are Finance, but a lot are Economics and Accounting. Eller is really well know for entrepreneurship and MIS and is growing in stature one of the better programs for undergrads in the country, in a large research uni(ex CM et al). Alot do study abroad and lots of start-ups many group projects and many move onto MBA at UofA of Cal and WP Carey. As to careers its very broad I have known a number go to CPA’s, many to Intel/tech, mostly I see most going into start-ups. Careers fairs are really great at UofA.</p>

<p>Finance and Econ as a minor are what I’m thinking. I’d also like to do something with Sports managment. U of A seems to be the better fit despite it not being in a big city. So U of A advising and career fairs are top notch? </p>

<p>I can put you in contact with a sports mgnt alum @UofA now running a startup in Scottsdale in the future, but yes Eller is very good with regards advising and careers fairs are very well attended and often lead to good opps, that said ASU /Carey are also very good with careers fairs, both schools are very good at getting grads opportunities.</p>