U of Iowa Direct Entry BSN

My daughter is a high school senior in CA. She received an admission letter today from U of Iowa Direct Entry Nursing program with no scholarships.
Her weighted GPA is 4.4 out of 4. She took 16 AP/Honor classes. SAT is 1400. Tons of ECs, such as, Volunteering in hospital, Tutoring, Varsity tennis, Health Club President, Captain in community health program, etc. She has also applied to:

U Pitt
U of Delaware
Arizona State
Penn State, College Park
UMass Amherst
U of Minnesota, Twin Cities
U of Maine
U of Utah
SUNY Binghamton
UT, Austin
San Deigo State U

I wonder if U of Iowa has a good nursing program. The school is hardly mentioned in the forum. Can someone share about U of Iowa nursing pros vs cons? She prefers big colleges. We cannot afford NYU, Boston College, U of Miami and Georgetown. She did not apply to UCLA and UC Irvine because she only has 1% chance of getting admitted. Based on my daughter’s stats, which school would you recommend her to go and why?

Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Congratulations on your D’s acceptance to Iowa’s direct admit nursing program, it’s a great program and very selective…looks about 18% acceptance rate last Fall: https://nursing.uiowa.edu/admissions/bsn/class-profile

I do not know how much merit, if any, U Iowa gives to a typical BSN student. Your D can reach out to see when merit awards/fin aid packages will be distributed. Is Iowa affordable without any merit $?

What is your budget? Did you run the net price calculators at the schools on your D’s list?

Has your D been accepted anywhere else? Does she have an affordable option yet?

Thank you for your reply. Our budget is under $40k/yr for tuition. U of Iowa is affordable without merit $. We hope to hear from other schools soon. U of Iowa is ranked #9 for their BSN program on USNEWs. I wonder why not many people seem to be interested in that school.

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Many applicants would love to attend Iowa’s BSN program, and beyond that there are many happy Iowa students…but you are right, not many on CC seem to be all that interested, although some students use it as a safety because for admission to most programs it’s a simple formula that one can calculate ahead of time to know if they will be accepted or not. Has your D visited U Iowa?

Good luck to your D, Iowa is a great opportunity to have in hand (although not the easiest school on your list to get to from California)

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Thank you for your comments. My daughter has never been to the Mid West. It will be a fun trip for us to go visit the school next year. :slight_smile:

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My D21 daughter applied to direct admit nursing to UDel, Miami of Ohio, Clemson among others. She ended up at Miami of Ohio based on a great merit scholarship. Being from Pittsburgh she did not want to go to Pitt.

Pitt is a great nursing school and one of the top healthcare facility in the east. Udel has a relatively new nursing building and is a very nice school in a good location with proximity to Philly and DC. Miami is just completing a new nursing school building and is a beautiful campus albeit kind of remote compared to Udel and Pitt. Clemson is another very nice school albeit kind of remote. All 4 of those schools have about 17K students and varying degrees of school spirit, sports etc.

From California, Pitt and Udel much easier to get to than Clemson and Miami of Ohio. Good luck to your daughter

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Appreciate your input!

https://nursing.uiowa.edu/sites/nursing.uiowa.edu/files/2021-11/BSN%20Combined%202021-22%20REV.pdf page 32 lists GPA requirements to stay in the program:

  • 2.50 GPA each semester in nursing courses.
  • 2.50 GPA each semester in all courses.
  • 3.00 GPA each semester in all courses for early admission (direct admit from high school) students.

Page 36 indicates that a minimum of C grade is required in all courses in the nursing major, and that any grade lower than C must be repeated before progressing. More than one grade lower than C results in dismissal from the major.

U of Iowa is a popular school where we are from.

Keep it on the list!

Iowa will be a culture shock but good for her to try some place new!

Is $40k your all-in cost or tuition only? Pitt and PSU will most likely be over $50k/year COA. Pitt Nursing is probably close to $60k/year OOS.

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We are from California and my senior daughter has also been admitted to University of Iowa. Not BSN major, though. We toured the campus last spring and our whole family loved it! Iowa City is great and seemed like a very progressive college town. My daughter wants to leave CA for college and go somewhere cold. We are going back in late January to experience what it’s like in the dead of winter, just to be sure she can handle it. Good luck to your daughter. :slight_smile: