U of Maryland at college park chances??

<p>Sry I know these get annoying but tell me what you guys think my chances are! Here's some info:</p>

Illinois (from out of state..does that help?)</p>

<p>Act- 29 composite (1300/1600 SAT equivalence)
Gpa- 3.42 w/ upward trend. (got over a 4.0 junior year)</p>

<p>EC- involved in enviromental club and community outreach club (does service projects)
Played varsity tennis all 4 years (#1 singles soph and jr year possibly sr year).
Volunteer at animal shelter regularly.
Self employed summer job teaching tennis lessons to kids. </p>

<p>Senior yr schedule-
ap economics micro/macro
Ap Spanish
English 4 reg
Human anatomy/physiology
Western civ
Comparative religion </p>

<p>Want to major in psychology. I know my gpa is low but I had a rough year soph year and have been improving.
What do you think?</p>

<p>In state or out of state?</p>

<p>Most of the local (Maryland) kids I know who are attending College Park had nearly perfect GPAs. UMCP seems to be very numbers driven. It also does a spring admit program for kids who are just below what they are looking for.</p>

<p>Out of state. Female Hispanic from Illinois</p>

<p>Normally their gpa is a little higher but I think you will get in. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Your ACT is good enough. Your GPA might hurt you a bit. It helps that you are URM and from Illinois. You should apply.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Maryland - Freshman Profile Information](<a href=ā€œhttp://www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/counselor/freshmanprofile.asp]Universityā€>http://www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/counselor/freshmanprofile.asp)</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies!! I know my gpa is low but Iā€™m hoping they will notice the trend. Also im hoping I can get it up to a 3.6 by end of first semester next year.
Should I retake the act in the fall?</p>