U of Miami Chances

I am a sophomore in high school with a 3.6 uw gpa and a 4.03 weighted gpa. Counting freshman year I’ve taken 6 Honors and 1 AP, (AP core classes arent offered until Junior year in my school idk y), and I will be taking 2 more AP’s next year, and probably 2-3 more senior year. I did not take the psat this year, but will be doing prep over the summer, and hope to get around a 1420-ish. I currently have 15 service hours, but plan to volunteer at an animal shelter, the local hospital (ive had emergencies there 7 times so im well known), as well as a volunteer coach at the local basketball league. I play for the JV soccer team, am part of interact club, and will do key club next year, and am shooting to be in NHS. I just started looking at colleges and I found a liking for U of Miami, and would live to know how my chances would be, as my GPA is very much improving after my 3.9 weighted gpa of freshman year (disappointing ik). Thanks!

You are definitely on track to get into UM, especially if your grades keep improving. Just curious, if you have not taken the PSAT, how can guess your future SAT?