U of Michigan Ann Arbor vs. Dartmouth College

How does Uof Michigan Ann Arbor does compared to Dartmouth in terms of placing its students to Med School?
Finance looks similar for both schools after getting scholarships from Dartmouth. $10K/year more for Dartmouth.

Planning to do undergrad to go to a top Med School in future. Currently accepted in both. Need to make a decision by May 1st. Any help/guidence will be highly appreciated.

Alright consider this:

  1. How much does money matter to your family and your current situation? Some people can afford to pay 10k more a year, others cannot. Both schools are top 30 schools for med/finance. Dartmouth may be better for med, and they’re probably around equal for finance considering Umich Ross. Ann Arbor and Hanover are different places–visit them both before you decide?