UA Housing and MEal plans

<p>what do you guys think? I’m torn between UA and Cornell, also are there more discussion boards on UA? on some other websites? CC’s UA board is pathetic, only two threads, all started by me.</p>

<p>There's a UofA group on myspace but it isn't all that active. There is also one on LiveJournal which is more active but it's pretty much all people who already go to U of A asking questions about what classes to take and stuff. However, if you ask questions and you are still a HS senior people will answer them. </p>

<p>Today I got an email saying that my housing assignment was sent on April 4th so I should be getting that soon. I don't know all that much about the dorms except that Coronado is the hardcore party dorm and that Hopi sucks so I just signed up for the 3 newest dorms and then 2 random dorms (I just picked what looked nice on the site.) I wanted something in between a party dorm and a quiet, boring dorm and hopefully that is what my dorm ends up being. </p>

<p>And good luck with your decision. It must be hard to turn down an Ivy (if you end up doing that.) I personally got a lot of crap from people for picking U of A over Maryland (which certainly isn't Cornell but has a better rep than U of A) but I just liked U of A so much and don't want to deal with cold weather anymore.</p>

<p>I applied to Cornell, U. Maryland CP and University of Arizona
was accepted to CP and Arizona, rejected from Cornell.</p>

<p>If I got into Cornell it would no doubt be my first choice, I'm only going to U. A over Maryland because it's cheaper and its in a better area.</p>

<p>Go to Cornell!!!</p>

<p>Well buy yourself some flip-flops and a whole lotta shorts and t-shirts cause the weather here is great during the school year!!!</p>

<p>Should I take Barrett Honors at ASU or stick with U of A Honors. I am torn between the two.</p>

<p>U of A!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>But then again, I'm biased. Very biased.</p>

<p>Look at what you are going to major in. Business than it's UofA. Engineering some of ASU programs are better. Plus ASU is now charging a $1000 more for the "Honor" of being in their honors college.</p>

<p>As to the meal plan if you are a gal--1800 is the right one. If you are guy start with the 2200, you can always add on. The director of the meal plans will talk to you at Freshman Or. You do not have to do anything until class start. Any you can always up grade your meal plan during the year. But you can not go down. </p>

<p>As for the dorms....scoranado is the party dorm, my daughter has been their on a friday night and said that there a vomit in the elevator. Kaibab-H is nice as are any of the new ones. Most people keep there dorm room doors open when there are around and people just stop by to chat.</p>

<p>If you want to know the ins and outs of Zona then you should go to "Bear Down Camp" It is held 3 days before move in and has alot of inside info on classes to take, the school tradations, how to handle any problems and where to get help, and so much more. My D went and learned alot. And they went as group to repaint the A on A mountian. Also a group from camp went and painted ASU's A blue......they only got half of it done. ASU was guarding it.</p>