UA HRC Fall 2013 Housing Move-In Information

<p>Welcome to The University of Alabama’s on-campus community. We are eagerly anticipating your arrival in August and want to share some information to help you prepare for your move to campus.</p>

<p>The fall move-in schedule is available on the Housing and Residential Communities web site at [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”>Move-In - Housing and Residential Communities). In order to select the day and time that best suits your family’s schedule, you may sign up for your move-in time beginning at 8:00 a.m. CDT on Thursday, June 6th. The system will be available to select a time until July 10th. The number of students who can move in each hour is limited, and once a time slot is filled, you must select a different time. Here is some other information to consider as you sign up for move in.</p>

<p>• You must have a housing assignment in order to select your move-in time. If you are still waiting on an assignment, you can select your time as soon as you are notified of your assignment.
• If you are participating in an official early arrival activity, such as Million Dollar Band, sorority recruitment, or Alabama or Outdoor Action, you may select an early arrival time. If you are not taking part in one of these activities, you should plan to move in on August 16th, 17th, or 18th.
• Bryant Hall is not available for move in until August 17th. If you assigned to Bryant Hall and must arrive earlier than the 17th because of an early arrival activity, please contact <a href=“”></a> for assistance.
• Select your time carefully. If you wish to change your time later, you will have to first cancel your selected time, before you can choose another time. You may not find any time you prefer over your original time.
• If you will be living on campus during the Summer II summer school session, you do not have to select a move-in time. You will transition to your fall assignment prior to the start of the official move-in process.</p>

<p>If you have specific questions about move-in or the process of selecting a time, please e-mail <a href=“”></a> for assistance. For general information about campus housing or move in, including what to bring and not to bring, please visit the HRC web site at [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“”></p>

<p>thanks for posting…we did not get this yet. where is this from? email, letter, ???</p>

<p>…and no sooner do I ask that…then, poof, 45 minutes later, there is an email in our home email box!</p>

<p>Is it best to select earliest time available or are we better off moving in later in the day? Any suggestions? We have hotel accommodations for Fri/Sat/Sun, so we’re flexible.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting Class2012. For kids in Outdoor Action, when is move in usually?</p>

<p>AA/OA/Rush/MDB is the weekend before the dates listed</p>

<p>what is traffic like during Bid Day? do the boys usually like to go to that-my son doesn’t seem interested when I asked him…</p>



<p>We liked having an early time. First, it will be cooler (not an issue last year since the temps for early move-in were quite pleasant, but I think that was an aberration). Second, it gives you time to unpack, figure out what you still need and perhaps head to Target/Walmart/wherever to get those items before they’re picked over. There were several things we waited to buy until we saw D’s room/suite and knew what would work best in the space, so getting into the room as early as possible gave us more time to do that shopping.</p>

<p>When we moved D in last year it was not at all crowded during our early morning slot. In fact, when I pulled up we were the only car there and had more helpers than we knew what to do with. I think this was in part because sorority recruitment was moved up a day or two and girls who had signed up for those times ended up moving in the day before, so that might not have been normal.</p>

<p>Thanks beth’s mom-- we hadn’t even thought about the August temps!</p>

<p>Does regular move-in have the same help that was available for AA move-in?
All I carried was D’s laptop up and she just had her purse. I know at my older
D’s college the help is there for freshman move-in but everyone else is on their

<p>Move-in volunteers are present at every move-in. Later move-in times are likely to have a larger proportion of student volunteers as more upperclassmen will be back in Tuscaloosa, whereas the earlier sessions will have larger proportions of UA employees, community volunteers, and professional movers.</p>

<p>Consider moving in during the later part of your time slot as many families show up right at the opening of their move-in time slot.</p>

<p>I just noticed on the Honors College site that it lists Saturday, August 10, 2013, and Sunday, August 13, 2013, as move in for AA and OA. I wonder why they are not listed on this </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Dates and Application</p>

<p>The 2013 Action Programs begin Sunday, August 11, 2013 and conclude Friday, August 16, 2013. Participants will move into their residence halls on August 10th or 11th, as designated by the UA Office of Housing and Residential Communities.</p>

<p>Per an email from Susan Alley AA/OA students may move in the 8th or 9th when there will be helpers or the 10th or 11th without available help. D is attending Camp1831 prior to AA so she will move in the 6th.</p>

<p>My son also doing 1831 and AA. I imagine their move in will be very quiet, not a bad thing, on the 6th. But they will have plenty of company by the 8th, when they return.</p>

<p>Wonder if returning D will be able to choose a move in time if she still can’t see her Fall dorm assignment?</p>

<p>In light of BamaMom’s Q ^, Janine/UA Housing, can you give us an update on this issue for returning students? Since sign-up for move-in is Thursday, we really do need to have access to our housing contracts/assignments by then. Thank you!</p>

<p>^^ Is there any reason it would have changed from what the students signed up for way back when? I’m assuming, even though I can’t see it on MyBama, that my D’s room assignment is the same as it was right after room selection. Is that a bad assumption?</p>

<p>Got the whole Fall move in thing down pat on what, when, who, how, etc.
Anyone know about move in for UA Early College for Summer II? DD will be attending
Summer II and residing in Lakeside. Searched high and low for exact move in dates, info, etc and have found nothing.</p>

<p>No, not a bad assumption at all, Beth’sMom. But, the question is, how do we sign up for move-in (as returning students) if we can’t even see our application?! Normally (i.e., last year), we would go into our Housing contract ‘portal’ and sign up. This year, that ‘portal’ allows us only to view/sign-up for summer housing, nothing more. I’m sure our contracts and roommates and room selections are still all there, it’s just none of us can see them, and therefore we’re warning UA Housing that this probably needs resolving by June 6th.</p>

<p>Not too worried about this. If we can’t sign up, none of the returning students can sign. UA will then fix it.</p>