UA Pros and Cons

<p>There’s a thread like this for UT-Austin, so… </p>

<p>What do you hate about U of A? What do you love about it? It’s come to that season where we’re all narrowing down our college lists and zeroing in on a choice… getting some pros and cons from the perspective of a current student, parent, or anyone else who knows anything about UA could seriously help make the decision a bit easier…</p>

<p>Actually, I’m not a student at the UofA yet, I’m just there a lot because my sister is a student.</p>

<p>Here are the things I like about it:

  1. Tucson Arizona has beautiful weather. :wink: No humidity.
  2. The campus is very vibrant. There’s a belief that once someone comes and visits the campus that they know its the place for them.
  3. I assume you’re an OOS student? UofA is one of the nicest schools to OOS students. (e.g. its cheaper, they give scholarships, etc etc)
  4. TONS of school spirit… have you SEEN the Zoona Zoo?! They’re crazy x) I love it.
  5. There’s actually some pretty good shopping on campus. The UofA book store is one of the largest in the US (largest university book store).
  6. If you really dont like the shopping, Pheonix is only 2 hours away ;)<br>
  7. If you’re a business or dance major, its really high ranked.
  8. LOTS of dorms to pick from (fine arts dorm is the best i’ve heard)
  9. Their study abroad program is exceptional.
    There’s more, but those are just some things off the top of my head</p>


  1. The weather kills the pretty grass xD
  2. UofA is a party school (along with every other state uni…)
  3. Personally, I resent that the UofA doesnt have a legit Korean program.
  4. Since its a big school, some of your glasses will likely be large.</p>

<p>Yeah, like i said, these are just some things i’ve seen from being on campus. But I’m not a student.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m OOS, from Texas - only been to Arizona once ever… the money is one draw for me… if I went there, I could get thousands and thousands and thousands more than I would if I went anywhere else O_O but meh… to be honest, it’s not my very first choice (UT is, but they’re unbelievably stingy with scholarship money)</p>

<p>Im currently a student here.

  1. Good weather
  2. Good residence halls
  3. Good food
  4. Decent academic environment if you are willing to look for it
  5. Classes are large but TAs and profs are accessible
  6. Attractive students
  7. Good professional schools</p>


  1. Party school
  2. Lets in everyone
  3. Tucson is an odd town
  4. Hard to get classes you want</p>

<p>Over and above all its a party school and I do not like that. However I find that the majority of the people really love the place.</p>

<p>I’ve applied to both CU Boulder and University of Arizona, and I was just wondering which would be better ACADEMICALLY? I know Arizona’s more of a “drinker” in terms of partying and CU students seem to be more in to drugs, but i don’t reallly do either. which is better in terms of programs and classes?</p>

<p>Boulder was ranked 77 by US News UA was ranked like 107, however, Eller is really good, Entrepreneurship is ranked #1 in nation along with astronomy and optical sciences etc</p>

<p>Neither is going to give you an edge over the other except for maybe local graduate programs and jobs. I’d go with fit and finances</p>


<p>Cheap if in-state</p>

<p>VERY strong engineering/optical sciences programs</p>


<p>Pretty much everything else</p>